Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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HA! I thought that too.
I also didn't understand what the hell shot out of the batmobile in batman returns when he's fighting the circus gang.
When the hatch opens up and something shoots out and knocks the guy off the dirtbike?
I always thought the flap was the projectile and never understood how the hell it was it there after it was shot.:rotfl:rotfl:rotfl

I was a stupid kid I guess.:monkey1

When i was a kid the one thing I couldn't understand about Returns was when Batman takes off his mask in front of Catwoman. My reaction was like "WTF is he doing?! Why is this happening, No none of this makes sense!:horror " I was actually mad at him, it totally did not compute. Its as if none of the dialog registered when i was younger, I was just stunned.
I was 17 when this movie came out.

I was 3 when this movie came out. :lol
So in the movie, figure aside; is his face actually white and he wears skin coloured make-up on top of it to disguise it? Also, I've always hated Batman (1989) but watched it the other day and loved it!! :D

Batman 89' has always been about artistic style, in my opinion. I stopped trying to make sense of the script or the storyline. But, yeah, I loved it too! By far, my favorite Batman movie, aside from the Nolan films.
Batman 89' has always been about artistic style, in my opinion. I stopped trying to make sense of the script or the storyline. But, yeah, I loved it too! By far, my favorite Batman movie, aside from the Nolan films.

I only like the keaton batman movies. The Nolan films and shark repellent bat spray just doesn't do it for me.
When i was a kid the one thing I couldn't understand about Returns was when Batman takes off his mask in front of Catwoman. My reaction was like "WTF is he doing?! Why is this happening, No none of this makes sense!:horror " I was actually mad at him, it totally did not compute. Its as if none of the dialog registered when i was younger, I was just stunned.

I think that every time a superhero pulls his mask off in current movies. Just keep the bloody things on.
Is the release date of this in the US still March? If so it should have been following the same timeline as Keaton meaning HK pictures, OMG pictures etc. Since it is not does this mean April and beyond?
Keaton pics went up last weekend, he's due in Feb, we're still in January, why couldn't Joker come out in March still?
I'm sure as soon as Batman starts shipping next month to the US The Joker will be out in Asia. Give or take a few days/weeks.

I don't think it it'll be any later than March.
I can't believe February/March is almost here, I mean I remember pre-ordering 89' Bats and 89' Joker in June-ish, and saying you know like "This is gonna take forever its almost a whole year away" and now they close man!
I'm yet to see Batman Returns... but I keep putting it off because I watch Batman almost purely for The Joker.

I never liked Jack Nicholsons joker. I wasnt even born when it came out, and I was 2 when I Returns came out, so my first point was BTAS.

I watched the films when I was 7 or 8 for the first time and loved them.

But as I grew up, read comics and understood the character more, I just didnt like Nicholsons portrayal. Just something from him that didnt do it for me. Its hard for me to explain, he didnt seem... well I dont know. I think for me, Joker dancing to Prince (as much as I do love the artist who copyrights a colour), messing the paintings up, 'joker was here'... it just wasn't joker at all.

I always remembered joker as a complete cold killing maniac. No reasoning behind it. He wasn't criminally insane, he was such a tame character that take the make up off and change the colour of the suit, and it couldbe anybody.

Ofcourse, there was some funny bits from Nicholson (this town neeeeeds an enema!) But on the whole, I didnt like the whole, was a former mobster, got betrayed, fell into the vat, came back for revenge and thats about it. I just didnt get him. He wasn't a psycho, he wasn't someone who would randomly murder someone for fun, there was no crazyness about him. I mean, he obsessed over Vicki Vale for most of the film and wanted her but why? Ugh, im not explaining myself very well here am I!

Just didnt make sense at all, and there was no... connection between Batman and Joker. I dont mean, batman failing to save him from falling, but there was nothing there. come to think of it, theres only the Nolan films who actually puts connection between batman/bruce and his enemies.
I never liked Jack Nicholsons joker. I wasnt even born when it came out, and I was 2 when I Returns came out, so my first point was BTAS.

I watched the films when I was 7 or 8 for the first time and loved them.

But as I grew up, read comics and understood the character more, I just didnt like Nicholsons portrayal. Just something from him that didnt do it for me. Its hard for me to explain, he didnt seem... well I dont know. I think for me, Joker dancing to Prince (as much as I do love the artist who copyrights a colour), messing the paintings up, 'joker was here'... it just wasn't joker at all.

I always remembered joker as a complete cold killing maniac. No reasoning behind it. He wasn't criminally insane, he was such a tame character that take the make up off and change the colour of the suit, and it couldbe anybody.

Ofcourse, there was some funny bits from Nicholson (this town neeeeeds an enema!) But on the whole, I didnt like the whole, was a former mobster, got betrayed, fell into the vat, came back for revenge and thats about it. I just didnt get him. He wasn't a psycho, he wasn't someone who would randomly murder someone for fun, there was no crazyness about him. I mean, he obsessed over Vicki Vale for most of the film and wanted her but why? Ugh, im not explaining myself very well here am I!

Just didnt make sense at all, and there was no... connection between Batman and Joker. I dont mean, batman failing to save him from falling, but there was nothing there. come to think of it, theres only the Nolan films who actually puts connection between batman/bruce and his enemies.

Hahaha! you sound like me talking about Heath Ledgers Joker.
I always remembered joker as a complete cold killing maniac. No reasoning behind it. He wasn't criminally insane, he was such a tame character that take the make up off and change the colour of the suit, and it couldbe anybody.

Ofcourse, there was some funny bits from Nicholson (this town neeeeeds an enema!) But on the whole, I didnt like the whole, was a former mobster, got betrayed, fell into the vat, came back for revenge and thats about it. I just didnt get him. He wasn't a psycho, he wasn't someone who would randomly murder someone for fun, there was no crazyness about him. I mean, he obsessed over Vicki Vale for most of the film and wanted her but why? Ugh, im not explaining myself very well here am I!

Just didnt make sense at all, and there was no... connection between Batman and Joker. I dont mean, batman failing to save him from falling, but there was nothing there. come to think of it, theres only the Nolan films who actually puts connection between batman/bruce and his enemies.

But there was a connection. Burton!Joker killed Bruce's parents. Joker made him and in a roundabout way he made the Joker.

Joker? Tame? In all the incarnations I remember I never remember him being tame. Not even in 89 Batman.
He kills without reason, even his "number one.... GUY" Bob.

I honestly believe for it's time, Nicholson's Joker was perfect. For a lot of people, it still is.
Repeat it again to Bob :lecture


I was going to say the same thing. I think Jack nailed the Joker in his own way. Just because he didn't grab a bunch of comic books & OCD-ishly copy every stanza to a painful tee.. doesn't mean he didn't give a credible portrayal.

Jack had his take.. Ledger had his - neither are perfect in every way.
The Joker was the only thing I liked in that film. It was Batman himself I felt was lacking as a character.

And the museum scene was taken from an old epidode of the Adam West Batman series. Same with the Penguin running for mayor in the second film.
But there was a connection. Burton!Joker killed Bruce's parents. Joker made him and in a roundabout way he made the Joker.

Joker? Tame? In all the incarnations I remember I never remember him being tame. Not even in 89 Batman.
He kills without reason, even his "number one.... GUY" Bob.

I honestly believe for it's time, Nicholson's Joker was perfect. For a lot of people, it still is.

Tame is not really the right word. Inaccurate is a much better word. And I mean inaccurate to his comic book counterpart.