$385 is high. That's why I'm hesitating. But honestly if I walked into my comic shop today and the owner had one in the display case for that much I'd wrench my back trying to get my wallet out quick enough. 

$385 is high. That's why I'm hesitating. But honestly if I walked into my comic shop today and the owner had one in the display case for that much I'd wrench my back trying to get my wallet out quick enough.![]()
What dollar amount is worth not having to wait for 6 more weeks?
Remember, once its in hand, after a few days and many pictures, you (meaning all of us) are gonna move on to the next thing anyway.
But what if they made, say, Chewbacca? The temptation would be pretty overwhelming.
There are certain figures I will poverpay for. Chewbacca is one of them. So is Nicholson Joker. Been a grail figur for me for a decade in 1/6. Have that bootleg version with serious mods (blindvoyeur pants, Les sculpt) but I still crave this HT one like I've never had a Joker before in my life.
Not sure I'd pay $100 over but maybe half that if I can guarantee it within a week's time. That's the trick -- I don't want to get stuck with some asian dealer who keeps stalling me for weeks, then I overpay for something I could have waited 2 more weeks for and saved a bundle. And when that good price surfaces, you know a bunch of people will jump on it, so your order may be pushed back into the asian dealer's "split shipment"... and what do you do?
$385 is high. That's why I'm hesitating. But honestly if I walked into my comic shop today and the owner had one in the display case for that much I'd wrench my back trying to get my wallet out quick enough.![]()
It's tricky... I don't have many "grails" left at this point so it's hard to rationalize.
On a brighter note today's AE newsletter said Batman should hit in the next 30 days.![]()
You are nuts my friend... no way I'd pay an extra $120 for a figure just to get it a bit early. Not to mention you've got like 20 Nicholson figures chilling at your house already
Exercise control, patience and cheapskatery... like me![]()
This figure really seems to convey the character Nicholson created... much more so than any of the Ledger Jokers were able to emmulate his performance. When I see these pictures I can clearly hear lines from Jack.
Really wished they did another bloody HS, I could get another HS of him, and do a custom job on the extra HS, the problem is in the movie when the joker was bleeding, his hair was a mess and sticking out all over the place, so it wouldn't look right, no matter how much I tried to bloody the mouth, his hair is way too slicked back, so it would just look all wrong....oh well.![]()
Unfreaking real!!!!!! 4 weeks baby![]()
It most certainly has. He's got that "wait until they get a load of me" look to him now. Still great, but maybe not as universal, as the more wide-eyed smilier look of the prototype.In some way I think the figure has taken on a more sinister look since the prototype shots.
If you ordered direct from Sideshow.