Yep, I was just on there and saw the same thing but I found a better one
Nice! think the mic he was using is a Unidyne style mic and that looks like it.
Yep, I was just on there and saw the same thing but I found a better one
Yep, I was just on there and saw the same thing but I found a better one
It's most likely already on its way to your post office. USPS' tracking sucks. My Batman didn't even update from "Processed through Sort Facility" in Hong Kong until it actually arrived at my PO.
I have no interest in the Uncle Bingo Joker. It's a neat look, but it'd be a silly figure in my opinion.
The Mob Joker is my most wanted Joker figure. I'm a broken record about it, then again, I was a broken record for some Hot Toys '89 Batman and '89 Joker goodness and they came to be.
Somebody petition the hell out of Hot Toys and spam their facebook.
THIS is why you failBy far his most intimidating look. He needs his hand buzzer gag too. It's the most unique to warrant a completely new version of the character. Think "Bank Robber" version from TDK. Throw in some museum gear (melting face, different tie, beret etc.) and I'll never want or demand another Joker again.
So are we gonna have a play date when you get Joker in?
I don't want you're drool all over my joker figure!
It's most likely already on its way to your post office. USPS' tracking sucks. My Batman didn't even update from "Processed through Sort Facility" in Hong Kong until it actually arrived at my PO.