Props for totally out of the blue T2 quote.

Props for totally out of the blue T2 quote.
I think the Bank Robber Joker looks more like Heath Ledger than this looks like Jack Nicholson.
Unfortunitely the trencher wasn't made big enough to fit over the tail coat. It has to be removed first then the trencher can go on and it's still snug. Too snug. It actually should bulk him up a bit more than it does.
Not too sure about the pants but I always thought Jack had them pulled slightly higher than normal in the film and the pant legs hang in such a way that they didn't bunch at the ankles.
Nice shot Coco!
How is the arm movement through either coat, is it easy, I hated the DX01 when you moved the arms the Coat would raise to much, making him look like the coat doesn't fit right.
In hand, does the neck seem to long to you, or is it just the way you have to futz with the collar.
Also in your honest opinion, does he look better w or w/o the hat.
"Heavenly lord. Best in-hand pics yet.
Love the "hat's-off" pose!
I don't mind the hat (though I would be curious to see a custom made), and I know I'm gonna love this figure.
I think the hat looks good here.
Such a great figure.
I don't mind the hat (though I would be curious to see a custom made),
and I know I'm gonna love this figure.
Coco, are there any magnets involved with this figure?
Some of OMG's pics give the impression that the cane and even the money is somehow held in place with magnets.
And for that, I've now lost a bit of wow about this figure.
So we have never seen a picture of the overcoat over the jacket?
I know exactly how you feel. I was really disappointed but at least you can get a few good poses with the trencher even though he's not layered properly.
Thanks! I think the arm movement is slightly restrictive in the trencher and better in the tail coat.
The neck is a tiny bit too long but not really any different from many other figures. If you futz the shirt a bit it'll take care of it.
I like the hat look. Always have. But honestly it depends on the pose you have him in. I do think however that HT should have included hat hair and non-hat hair like they did with Thor and Odin. It would have made a world of difference. As is without the hat his hair is simply too flat on the sides to match how it looked on film.
Thanks, Mags! The hat? It's actually decent. At least mine is. I don't like the material it's made out of. Makes it less futzable but it can be made to look much better than most pics show.
Jokes is about to get wopped with a rang.
I think the hat looks good here. Such a great figure.
It definitely won't impact my enjoyment of the figure at all, it just takes away from how I feel about what HT can do, after getting Jack Sparrow, this movie seems like a step back in the tailoring department. I don't think doing the trench big enough to go over it all would bulk it too much. Then again, who knows, maybe they tried and licensing didn't and made them figure out a different solution.
That's the kicker right there. It's that it could've and should've been made bigger. Not only would it have made it fit over the jacket but it would have looked more screen accurate as well. It's more of a head scratcher to me than anything else on the figure.
And i know i'm gonna love the poses you gonna do with this figure.
Nope. No magnets on this one.
I wish I could have seen this movie on the big screen.
Me 2.![]()