^ That's a good question.
Don't like the way the pants pucker in just below the fat-suit. I may have to find a way to pad that area...
I didn't know things were so different over there but yes. Cotton wool is what we call it. Old stuff you use to get it in huge packs. You just broke off as much as you wanted. None of it was made into little balls like most today.
On my overcoat sadly it's not just the way that the material has been pressed, it is the way that it has been cut, so one side is noticable different than the other, and no fixing that.
The tails jacket is fine on mine though, or close enough anyhow, and that's how I was going to display mine, so I decided to live with the wonky overcoat. Plus I doubt Sideshow would replace it anyhow, and I'm happy with the rest of it overall.
^ Yeah it has been up till now. Well, at least concerning this figure. Many other boardies tried to get replacement for different things including the coat and they were told that all the figures have slight differences and that's just the way it is...or something like that.
Everytime I see your pics man that hat grows on me a little more. Looks superb. My Joker can't come soon enough!
I didn't know things were so different over there but yes. Cotton wool is what we call it. Old stuff you use to get it in huge packs. You just broke off as much as you wanted. None of it was made into little balls like most today.
Everytime I see your pics man that hat grows on me a little more. Looks superb. My Joker can't come soon enough!
A big chunk like that would actually work better than cotton balls. You could cut a strip to go around his leg and just tape it once to hold it together...