If CSC has theirs than AE should have them as well, right?
Anyway, looks awesome Mags!!I think the sculpt is great I just think if it had HTs paint and texture it would be even better. The paint on it now is great,it's just not as realistic(?) as HT's but an awesome sculpt nontheless.
I know not everyone is keen on this head-sculpt, but here's how I have him displayed at the moment:
I've been putting off swapping the hands for a while because everyone made it sound like such a nightmare, but I thought it was easy as pie. Didn't have to remove any clothes and the pegs pull out of the hands easier than a lot of figures.
Alter Ego's newsletter from this past Friday said he'll be coming in stock some time this week.
Yeah, me too.I've signed up for the newsletter like a year ago and another time since then and have yet to receive one.
I've signed up for the newsletter like a year ago and another time since then and have yet to receive one.
Yeah, me too.
Here's a couple of pictures of mine. I am using a different overcoat since the stock one wouldn't fit him and front button wouldn't close. The one in the picture is from that knock off Nicholson Joker V2. I think it looks ok. Anyway, really happy with this Joker!
Here's a couple of pictures of mine. I am using a different overcoat since the stock one wouldn't fit him and front button wouldn't close. The one in the picture is from that knock off Nicholson Joker V2. I think it looks ok. Anyway, really happy with this Joker!
I'm sure I've seen photos on here with the over coat on. I think folks have just said you can't wear his tail coat and this at the same time thats all.
Stick with the stock face. Looks way better than the custom head...
Plus my jacket fits the figure fine, you have to squeeze the stuff out of it, by the way any pictures of a Joker with and without the fat suit?