Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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The time has come where i am contemplating selling this fella again. My collection is ALOT more focused on the Nolan trilogy, and without DX09 which i don't really want he just doesn't fit in. There is no denying it he's an awesome figure but considering i never grew up with the 89 film its urging me to sell. Plus i could do with the ££ right now.
Just a taster. No futzing or background. I'll try to do some proper ones Wednesday.

ermagad!!!! Is this a resculpt to get rid of the hat-hair, or am I just seeing things? The hat-hair is perhaps the only thing that stopped me from grabbing DX08, and even now I'm reconsidering. All the same, I would pay real money for a resculpted head! Are you taking commissions or do you have a few extra heads you'd be willing to work on?
Eyes are definitely derpy. I gotta fix that this weekend. Ski added/scultped hair on the sides, repainted/structured the eyebrows, gave him the eye shadow he wears in the movie and it looks like he repainted the forehead and the hair as well. That was a plus. Im a very happy man.

I am looking for just the purple tuxedo jacket. If you got a spare one and want to sell, PM me.
That Joker is just sick looking. He somehow looks even more creepy and scary looking. The repaint and added hair definitely make it look better. Reminds me of the scene after he kills Grissom and spreads the blood on the newspaper.
^ Yes! That's exactly what it looks like. Its amazing how much better the likeness is with just those few mods. The ironic thing is that I was one of the few, maybe the only one, that didn't have a problem with the hat hair when it was first shown. It wasn't until I saw Joel's mods that I realized how much better the likeness is with the eyebrows restructured and the hair poofed out on the sides. It's like having a new figure. I've also completely taken out the PERS system so I can adjust the eyes individually. For some reason they started to look uneven every which way I turned them, resetting thwm didn't work.

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I remember a while back you said you had an issue with how the eyebrows were done on the stock version ...

Wow, good memory. But yes, looks loads better. Much more Jack.

And more Jack is better Jack.

Also love the color of the hair. The fuller top seems to make it more florescent green. Looks great. I'm jealous.