Bitter irony is some of the people _____ing about the price here drop mondo cash on custom bull____. That's a bit oxymoronic.
This thread took a dump quickly![]()
250 for Joker and 224 for Bats!!! Can some one remind me what the prices where for the DX01 and DX02 please... I mean the release prices not the after market...
Not really. The flaw with NAM's Lamborghini analogy (and your Saks on 5th analogy) is that those items have always been unjustifiably expensive. Hot Toys figures used to be affordable for a lot more people than they are now. Prices jumped by 47% in a relatively very short amount of time. Everyone, no matter how much money they have, should have paused and questioned whether they should honestly be spending $265 on a single ____ing man doll, when just two years ago the same thing cost $179.Pwnage of epic proportions.
Personally while I'm not high 5'ing people over the price hike, I'm just happy that Joker was made and with impeccable detail. This fig raised the bar on HS's. I also think that there had to be some negotiating going on with the likeness rights cause JS DX was 240 and Bats was 240. If this didn't come out there would have been complaints that HT should have gotten the rights and people would have paid more in order to get this. For those getting this, myself included, we'll be the ones smiling when these are going for 400 on the bay and we got them at retail and those who passed will be selling off figs to fund what is the best HT HS to date.
Because I think $265 is a ridiculous price for a figure, which I bought BTW, it must've been impulsive and I obviously don't like it enough? What a (dare I say) snobbish attitude. I wasn't aware that justifying spending money on a Batman item determined how big a fan I was. I'm pretty sure 99% of the people who post here are Batman fans and I'm pretty sure I know more about Batman than about 1/2 of them (could be more).
Not really. The flaw with NAM's Lamborghini analogy (and your Saks on 5th analogy) is that those items have always been unjustifiably expensive. Hot Toys figures used to be affordable for a lot more people than they are now. Prices jumped by 47% in a relatively very short amount of time. Everyone, no matter how much money they have, should have paused and questioned whether they should honestly be spending $265 on a single ____ing man doll, when just two years ago the same thing cost $179.
I'm afraid you're not allowed to ask that here, cos the answer will lead to "OMG WHY ARE THEY SO MUCH MORE EXPENSIVE NOW, same materials, same labour costs etc..."
And you will be labelled stupid and poor by Nam and others for not knowing the ins and outs of global economy and corporate greed vs capitalistic virtues![]()
So, did everyone get it all out of their systems by now, or what?
I mean the price isn't great, but c'mon It's freakin Nicholson joker and Keaton Bats. Doesn't get much better IMHO.
So, did everyone get it all out of their systems by now, or what?
Not really. The flaw with NAM's Lamborghini analogy (and your Saks on 5th analogy) is that those items have always been unjustifiably expensive. Hot Toys figures used to be affordable for a lot more people than they are now. Prices jumped by 47% in a relatively very short amount of time. Everyone, no matter how much money they have, should have paused and questioned whether they should honestly be spending $265 on a single ____ing man doll, when just two years ago the same thing cost $179.
I'm not judging how big a fan you are based on your economic status, I'm judging you because of your attitude. I'll admit that I was surprised when I saw the price, but I don't think it was so shocking that I let it ruin the experience for me. When I see those pics, I get excited, and I'm not going to let $50 ruin that for me. Also, before calling me snobbish, take a look at your own post, and how you know more about Batman than 50% or more of the patrons of this forum. I wouldn't even go as far as to say that's snobbish, so much as childish.
I gotta think by most accounts, my attitude has been fine and civil. I try not to get into peeing contests with individual members, but just know this: 1) I never said I was "shocked" by the price. I think most people were pretty close in their speculation leading up to the reveal. I said it's disappointing. 2) the experience didn't ruin me. I'm actually quite excited they were made and I was able to pre-order both at this time (and I'll still pay the mortgage too). 3) I never called YOU snobbish, I said the statement came off as snobbish, but whatever. and 4) The knowing more about Batman than 1/2 the people here was meant to add context to your incorrect "impulse buy" comment, not insult anybody else.