Hot Toy DX08 - BATMAN - The Joker (Jack Nicholson) - Specs & Pics

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Dude, furious that someone else was going to play the character? Did you read Kara's post? He was insulted (maybe) that they didn't contact him for consulting on how the character should be played. Like asking him for input or advice. Thats all.

If I quoted it then I obviously read it. And I remember the interview, there was a bit more to it then what was in Kara's post.

It's almost the same thing anyway. Who the hell is he that he thinks they have to consult him? Just because he played the Joker? Did Connery demand that other directosr talk to him before they made more Bond films? Come on. I love Jack, but the dude seems pretty arrogant and self absorbed in the interveiw.
If I quoted it then I obviously read it. And I remember the interview, there was a bit more to it then what was in Kara's post.

It's almost the same thing anyway. Who the hell is he that he thinks they have to consult him? Just because he played the Joker? Did Connery demand that other directosr talk to him before they made more Bond films? Come on. I love Jack, but the dude seems pretty arrogant and self absorbed in the interveiw.

The answer is: He's Jack ____ing Nicholson. (not referring to you) whats with people always rooting for the underdog these days? Is it cool to cheer for the less popular actor or worship some B rated movie?


Technically Jack owns a piece of the WB's Batman franchise ............... in 1989 WB's was damn lucky he attached himself to the name. It did wonders for the film and the hundred super hero movies that followed it 20 years later.

I'd love to see or read the entire interview. Especially the part where he was "furious" that Ledger was playing the Joker.
The answer is: He's Jack ____ing Nicholson. (not referring to you) whats with people always rooting for the underdog these days? Is it cool to cheer for the less popular actor or worship some B rated movie

Who cares that he's Jack Nicholson? So he's greater then the film or the character that he's playing? I guess so because he got top billing when he wasn't even playing the lead.

Gay? What's that referring to?

Technically Jack owns a piece of the WB's Batman franchise ............... in 1989 WB's was damn lucky he attached himself to the name. It did wonders for the film and the hundred super hero movies that followed it 20 years later.

I'd love to see or read the entire interview. Especially the part where he was "furious" that Ledger was playing the Joker.

Jack even used the words "I'm furious." Here you go:

This is from

MTV: What do you think of another actor, Heath Ledger, playing the Joker in next summer's "The Dark Knight"?

Nicholson: Let me be the way I'm not in interviews. I'm furious. I'm furious. [He laughs.] They never asked me about a sequel with the Joker. I know how to do that! Nobody ever asked me.

MTV: It was never brought up?

Nicholson: No. It's like, in any area, you can't believe the reasons things do or don't happen. Not asking me how to do the sequel is that kind of thing. Maybe it's not a mistake. Maybe it was the right thing, but to be candid, I'm furious.

MTV: I'm surprised to hear you sounding competitive about a role like that.

Nicholson: Well, the Joker comes from my childhood. That's how I got involved with it in the first place. It's a part I always thought I should play.

MTV: Will you see the new film?

Nicholson: I'm not inclined to watch it because of what I said. But if it's a good movie, I'll catch up with it somewhere. I don't think they ever really captured Tim Burton's spirit [since he stopped being involved]. They kind of drove the franchise into the ground. Tim Burton's a genius. He had the right take on it. That's why I did the movie. I did the movie based on a single conversation with him. We both come from the cartoon world originally. We had similar ideas Tim said [the Joker] should have a humorous dark side to him. [Burton is] one of the great moviemakers. I think the world of him. He's the most unassuming man. And he doesn't feel pressure. That's what I love about him. Once he's in there, he's smiling making the movie. That's it!

(EDIT: Oh Alex beat me to it.)

I still think that maybe he was joking. Though, he does seem pretty into the character in these interviews. Going as far as saying he read the comics as a kid, wearing a Batman pin and just giving off a great sense of enthusiasm for the Joker character in general.

2:23 - on,

[ame=""]Making of Batman (1989) - The Joker - YouTube[/ame]

- "This would be the character who's core while, totally determined of the part was the least limiting of any I'd encounter. This is a more literary way of approaching then I might have had as a kid reading the comics. You have to get specific.

-"The way his [The Joker] specifics broaden rather than what you normally use specifics for so you don't drift. His [The Joker] specifics are . . ."

My personal favorite from that interview that I always get a kick out of hearing,

- "He [The Joker] is not wired up the same way as the rest of us. This guys has survived nuclear waster immersion here."

- "This does not apply to the Joker, things even the wildest comics might be afraid to find funny. Burning somebody's face into oblivion, destroying a masterpiece in a museum. A subject as an art person even made me a little scared. Not this character."

I know he's probably a douche actor, but that seems pretty sincere. Who knows.
Who cares that he's Jack Nicholson? So he's greater then the film or the character that he's playing? I guess so because he got top billing when he wasn't even playing the lead.

Gay? What's that referring to?

Jack even used the words "I'm furious." Here you go:

This is from

MTV: What do you think of another actor, Heath Ledger, playing the Joker in next summer's "The Dark Knight"?

Nicholson: Let me be the way I'm not in interviews. I'm furious. I'm furious. [He laughs.] They never asked me about a sequel with the Joker. I know how to do that! Nobody ever asked me.

MTV: It was never brought up?

Nicholson: No. It's like, in any area, you can't believe the reasons things do or don't happen. Not asking me how to do the sequel is that kind of thing. Maybe it's not a mistake. Maybe it was the right thing, but to be candid, I'm furious.

MTV: I'm surprised to hear you sounding competitive about a role like that.

Nicholson: Well, the Joker comes from my childhood. That's how I got involved with it in the first place. It's a part I always thought I should play.

MTV: Will you see the new film?

Nicholson: I'm not inclined to watch it because of what I said. But if it's a good movie, I'll catch up with it somewhere. I don't think they ever really captured Tim Burton's spirit [since he stopped being involved]. They kind of drove the franchise into the ground. Tim Burton's a genius. He had the right take on it. That's why I did the movie. I did the movie based on a single conversation with him. We both come from the cartoon world originally. We had similar ideas Tim said [the Joker] should have a humorous dark side to him. [Burton is] one of the great moviemakers. I think the world of him. He's the most unassuming man. And he doesn't feel pressure. That's what I love about him. Once he's in there, he's smiling making the movie. That's it!

When I typed "gay" I was referring to my post above it. Cheering for the underdog and what not.

Thanks for posting the interview, i've never seen/read it before. Still, I get the impression he was upset that he wasn't approached for advice. He starts off the interview answering the question saying "Furious" but then he gets to the point. That Warner Brothers never contacted him.

And for the record, I don't care (deeply) about Jack, I just think his films are awesome. He's my favorite actor. So when I say "He's Jack ____ing Nicholson" its more of a sarcastic joke.
When I typed "gay" I was referring to my post above it. Cheering for the underdog and what not.

Thanks for posting the interview, i've never seen/read it before. Still, I get the impression he was upset that he wasn't approached for advice. He starts off the interview answering the question saying "Furious" but then he gets to the point. That Warner Brothers never contacted him.

And for the record, I don't care (deeply) about Jack, I just think his films are awesome. He's my favorite actor. So when I say "He's Jack ____ing Nicholson" its more of a sarcastic joke.

You're welcome.

I don't know, I just took it as he was WAY too into himself at that moment. I know that's who he is, but I doubt he had seen BB and he knew nothing of Nolan's Batman. That's the thing, I don't see why Warner Bros had to approach him for advice. It's like he owned that role and they needed to talk it over with him before they made another Batman film with the Joker in it.

Fair enough.
I think that the "[laughs]" in the interview may convey the tone he was trying to convey. I think that Jack is anything but bitter, considering the killing he made from 89.' As DiFabio said, though, he genuinely seems to love the character, and I can see how that could be somewhat disappointing to not be able to return to a character that you've enjoyed since childhood.

Also, as for Jack's top billing, it was and is still common for the biggest name to get top billing. Take a look at Superman, both Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman's names appear before Christopher Reeve.
I can actually see why they wouldn't want to consult with Nicholson. He was great, but they wanted to make their own movie with their own take on the Joker. Talking to Nicholson would have just distracted from that. Frankly, the only purpose I could see to consulting Nicholson would be to stroke his ego.

And more on topic:

I'm actually pretty excited that they're shipping with each other. Really, I'm not looking at it from a financial angle but as a "the wait would feel so much longer if I have one before the other while waiting for the other". I mean, think about it. How often do we get two, great, completely unique characters/figures on the same day? Unless you're having the store hold orders for you, this doesn't happen too often. You're lucky if you get a different Hot Toys figure monthly.

With this, it's going to be in your face, BAM. Black and gold andpurple goodness, Batman, Joker, 1/6 figures. I mean, some of use might have to devote a whole day to opening these guys. Who the hell would complain about that?

Dear lord, that's hideous. :thud:

Good idea, but looks more like Jersey Shore Joker to me :lol

Is this better?

I think that the "[laughs]" in the interview may convey the tone he was trying to convey. I think that Jack is anything but bitter, considering the killing he made from 89.'

I thought that as I was reading as well, until I got to this part:

"It's like, in any area, you can't believe the reasons things do or don't happen. Not asking me how to do the sequel is that kind of thing. Maybe it's not a mistake. Maybe it was the right thing, but to be candid, I'm furious."

He really dose sound genuinely upset, and I have no doubt his disappointment was accompanied by anger. Although, I think it's pretty big of him to admit they may have had good reason to not ask him - which is no doubt the case.
Also, as for Jack's top billing, it was and is still common for the biggest name to get top billing. Take a look at Superman, both Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman's names appear before Christopher Reeve.

That might also be a SAG requirement too, not necessarily just the actor's desires.
It's scary seeing Burton in that clip, then back in 88/89 and now see him today. He seems really freaky.
Also, as for Jack's top billing, it was and is still common for the biggest name to get top billing. Take a look at Superman, both Marlon Brando and Gene Hackman's names appear before Christopher Reeve.

Again, you used a film that was made in 1978. Caine and Neeson were not listed before Bale. Bale was almost an unknown when he did BB.

I can actually see why they wouldn't want to consult with Nicholson. He was great, but they wanted to make their own movie with their own take on the Joker. Talking to Nicholson would have just distracted from that. Frankly, the only purpose I could see to consulting Nicholson would be to stroke his ego.

What do you mean "again?" I only referenced it once.

I was referring to Batman 89. These days the actor playing the lead usually gets top billing. I don't knew when this started, but just look at Superman Returns. Spacy was not listed before Routh.