Super Freak
Got my Quantum shipping notice, I should get it Thursday.
Dude, relax. Does it say Processing or Shipping Soon? Either way, I'd give it another day or so.
oo man am freaking out
check my accounts says card declined but when i click the order and it opens a new page its says shipping soon.
Rang card company they says its been approved EEkk
whats going on
Same happened here.
I think the Declined Card shows up cause they didn't process the initial charge in time. They let it expire so that they could recharge the card with the correct shipping amount.
Yup, looks like this is happening to everybody. They've reduced the shipping charge on the order page and it still says "shipping soon", so it doesn't look like our cards have actually been declined. Just hang in there, they'll get it sorted out.
Barryo had my back when I went to order this. He got through and I didn't. I got waitlisted. Technically, Barryo has mine. Now, if mine converts, I'll keep mine, and Barryo will keep the one he will get. He will do with it what he wants. Either keep it, or sell it to a Freak who needs it. If the one I have WLed doesn't convert, he will ship the one he has to me. If my WLed one converts at a later time, either Barryo will get it if he wants it, or it will go to a Freak, either through him or me.
I hope that makes sense.
My shipping estimate still says $20, and no update since last I checked. The order still says Shipping Soon.
Guess that's because I was in the second WL convert batch. You guys are experiencing glitches now, so I'll probably be hearing about this tomorrow, but I have to leave for San Diego in the morning! Not stressing about it, since I'm in Oregon and the flight will be really short. Just waiting on that UPS e-mail.
But I think shipping will be reduced. $20 is pretty nuts if I'm in the state right above their warehouse. Never happened ot me before, so I expect my new estimate to be set up during the weekend.