Re: Hot Toys – MMS183 - The Dark Knight Rises: Bane Collectible Figure
Like to have all the 7 TDKR Bane version in my collection.
Bought Five HT Banes,
Two HT Body, 2 HT Bane head, 2 pant, 2 Trailmaster Jacket , 2 boot, a combatvest, black t-shirt and Gordon's Swat jacket.

Here are more pics of TDKR Bane Collection.
Hope you all like the my TDKR Bane collection
All the custom figures work are sculpt and paint by myself, except the Homers Simpson Bane figure that I bought from the ebay
Thanks fellow fans and everybody so much for your appreciation and compliment
Have a great weekend
Enjoy and Happy collecting!

Seven HT Banes!!!!!!
Like to have all the 7 TDKR Bane version in my collection.
Bought Five HT Banes,
Two HT Body, 2 HT Bane head, 2 pant, 2 Trailmaster Jacket , 2 boot, a combatvest, black t-shirt and Gordon's Swat jacket.
Here are more pics of TDKR Bane Collection.

Hope you all like the my TDKR Bane collection
All the custom figures work are sculpt and paint by myself, except the Homers Simpson Bane figure that I bought from the ebay
Thanks fellow fans and everybody so much for your appreciation and compliment
Have a great weekend
Enjoy and Happy collecting!