Most if not all those parts started at about 5 bucks, some even less.
All those bidders that are currently active in bidding created a little bid war days/hours before all of those items end. So instead of them getting anything cheap, they've all artificially raised the prices for each part for an overall sum that will be more than buying the whole figure set. It's just stupid.
Why would you just keep bidding and bidding, putting in more and more increments of about $80 for just that head? Or $35 EACH for those limbs? It just doesn't make sense to me. I can see bidding early if you're not going to be around later to bid, but continually bidding to drive up the price to the point where all of the parts together will be over $300+? I don't get it. It's not just one bidder either, but multiple bidders. Ebay used to be a place where you could get bargains, but now eager beavers drive up the price of everything with their stupidity. I thought the whole aspect of parting out was to take advantage of the fact that the parts are getting broken down individually for cheap prices? What are these guys going to do if they win an arm and a leg, but no torso? You're better off just buying the whole figure elsewhere.
Most if not all those parts started at about 5 bucks, some even less.
All those bidders that are currently active in bidding created a little bid war days/hours before all of those items end. So instead of them getting anything cheap, they've all artificially raised the prices for each part for an overall sum that will be more than buying the whole figure set. It's just stupid.
Why would you just keep bidding and bidding, putting in more and more increments of about $80 for just that head? Or $35 EACH for those limbs? It just doesn't make sense to me. I can see bidding early if you're not going to be around later to bid, but continually bidding to drive up the price to the point where all of the parts together will be over $300+? I don't get it. It's not just one bidder either, but multiple bidders. Ebay used to be a place where you could get bargains, but now eager beavers drive up the price of everything with their stupidity. I thought the whole aspect of parting out was to take advantage of the fact that the parts are getting broken down individually for cheap prices? What are these guys going to do if they win an arm and a leg, but no torso? You're better off just buying the whole figure elsewhere.
It's kinda similar to 'idiot' though and I figured even this shower of Gobsheens would extrapolate its meaning from the context in which I appeared to be using it!
There will always be someone else that is willing to pay more for a specific item, that's just the way of the world.
U shouldn't get upset about it.
If u want something bad enough ul do your own thing, so I think it's a bit harsh to call anyone an idiot
So just as an example of what I was talking about for these single parts.
This ebay bidder (e***o) spent $430 USD for this,
So they only got the head, torso, one pair of hands, neck post, both arms and both legs, that's it. They didn't get anything else. No chest plates, no mouths, no guns, no stand, no chair, etc. They paid $430 USD for an incomplete figure. I'm sure they intend to just make that parted out one they bought and use the extra battle damaged parts or something, but they paid well beyond the price of a full figure to do it.
Meanwhile, this bidder (e***l) paid $34 USD for just a couple of pistols. They tried bidding on other things, but lost, only winning a couple of 1/6 guns.
The rest of the parts went to other various bidders separately. HOWEVER, one bidder (e***e) tried winning everything. They bid as high as they could on the heads, legs, arms, etc. like a mad man? What was the only thing they managed to win? The docking station for $85! That's not even complete mind you, they didn't get the monitors, the life support system or the control panels with stickers. Those went to other people.
So $85 for just this,
Crazy. It makes no sense at all. I wish it was shilling, but none of these guys retracted bids and actually tried to beat the other one to actually win it.
ex. of the chair
ex. of a leg
Do people just not care about saving $$$ or getting good deals? Why go through all the hassle with all those parts when you could just get the FULL SET, brand new, untouched, for less?
Man that is a detailed study of those auctions. Well done.
It's hard to conceive of what these bidders were thinking. What are they gonna use these separate parts for? How could it possibly be worth paying more than for a complete figure? If you are trying for every constituent part of the complete figure why not just buy the complete figure in the first place?
Man that is a detailed study of those auctions. Well done.
It's hard to conceive of what these bidders were thinking. What are they gonna use these separate parts for? How could it possibly be worth paying more than for a complete figure? If you are trying for every constituent part of the complete figure why not just buy the complete figure?
Yeah, it boggles my mind. The whole thing fascinates me. It wasn't just bidding early either, this is the first time I saw people literally layering their bids one after another. No shill would ever do such a thing, these people really wanted it bad enough. What is the point of layering 5-6 of your bids on top of each other? You're just inflating your own ideal price so that someone can come in and make you pay that.
You or I could have gone in there and bid with increments of one dollar or so and bid it up until their last bid and make them pay MORE.
And now the seller listed all the parts again, for low prices, and what does that e***e bidder (the one that tried to win everything but only got part of the chair for $85) do? He immediately bids on all the new parts he lost when there's still 5 days to go.
They were clearly around to bid in the last few seconds, I watched it happen. Why then, would you bid 5 days earlier? Seems counter productive.
And now the seller listed all the parts again, for low prices, and what does that e***e bidder (the one that tried to win everything but only got part of the chair for $85) do? He immediately bids on all the new parts he lost when there's still 5 days to go.
They were clearly around to bid in the last few seconds, I watched it happen. Why then, would you bid 5 days earlier? Seems counter productive.
And now the seller listed all the parts again, for low prices, and what does that e***e bidder (the one that tried to win everything but only got part of the chair for $85) do? He immediately bids on all the new parts he lost when there's still 5 days to go.
They were clearly around to bid in the last few seconds, I watched it happen. Why then, would you bid 5 days earlier? Seems counter productive.
He feels he has to now, to at least complete the chair most likely but the point remains, why bother placing any bids when there's 5 days left. Others can and will outbid him at such an early stage and in the meantime drive up the minimum end-price.
Honestly I'm amazed anyone does this, why aren't we all auction snipers? Surely it makes the most sense. Put the most you would be willing to pay right at the end. If you win it you win it, if you don't you don't. And hopefully you don't even have to pay your max bid.