Well, I did it. This morning, I popped my RoboCop cherry. I ran my fingers across his shiny surface and it was good. All of my fluids have been drained and my applesauce has been eaten, thoroughly. And he let me keep the shirt!
I originally had POed just the figure, but decided to get Robo with the chair. Here are some thoughts. Apologies in advance if I'm covering old ground, but perhaps Freaks who are still on the fence will find some of this useful.
The Good - The packaging and presentation look fantastic. The box is nice and sturdy and the plastic sleeve is a very nice, classy touch. The shipper even comes with a handle to help with carrying. HT was considerate enough to include a piece of cardboard to protect the box from the handle. It came in handy.
Inside, everything is packed very securely. There are plastic sleeves around Robo's head and limbs, so he arrives in pristine condition. It was a ***** to get the plastic off of his legs, because I didn't want to break the pistons, but I managed to get it done. The right arm arrived detached but it was a quick fix.
I was lucky in that, as far as I can tell, Robo's head, as well as his BD helmet, are free from scratches. I was not as lucky with his chest - there's a very small scratch on one **** and a few tiny black dots. I guess that's not too too bad.
The joints are tight...very tight. I almost pinched a loaf as I heard a "pop" as I moved the left arm forward for the first time. I almost evacuated my bowels again as I got his legs to move. As you all know by now, this is a very, very articulated figure, from his head to his toes. This is a very, very good thing.
The articulated fingers are delicate as ****, but they really are a marvel of toy engineering. I didn't want to put them through their paces for fear of breakage, but they're probably as poseable as real fingers.
The data spike hand is nicely-detailed, but it also feels very fragile, as if there's no give in the spike. Be careful whenever you're handling it, especially if you're going to be switching out hands.
Yeah, it's a gimmick and it's debatable whether or not it should be on a high-end collectible. But the sound feature turned out great. As soon as I flipped the switch and heard the Prime Directives, I grinned like a simpleton. The sound quality is also quite good, considering it has to travel through a chest plate.
The Bad - Yep, the armor's silver. There's no getting around it. I have a very low watt light bulb in my kitchen and the armor's still very bright. It's not a muted silver, either, he be silver. It goes without saying, but I would've preferred a gunmetal gray.
There's also very little purple paint on my figure, it's barely there. I don't like that. The mouth plates are at least a shade too dark as well. I really don't like that. It significantly detracts from the look of the head and the figure, at least to me.
The chair looks very nice - there's a good bit of weathering and there's a decent amount of articulation. But the wiring is very fragile and the right armrest is a little cockeyed on mine. I don't think it's worth asking Sideshow for a replacement, but I'm curious - does anybody else who bought the chair have this issue?
I bought the chair because I wanted to buy everything from this line. But unless you absolutely have to have it, it's a pretty easy pass. Especially for the additional $125.
The Ugly - I didn't bother opening the holster because I barely looked at the instructions and I didn't want to break it, or scratch the paint around the tab. I'll try next time, just to make sure it's working properly, but I already know it's laughably inaccurate. It's not a feature I'll ever use anyway.
Unless I now have the strength of a toddler, I also could not remove the cover from the back of the remote. I tried and strained until my fingers turned red, but it barely budged. WTF, Hot Toys? I hope Sideshow will replace it.
Well, there it is. I've waited 27 years for a high-end RoboCop and I finally have it. Considering problematic issues such as paint and the holster, it should probably get an 85. But because it's Robo, I'll give it a 90/100.