Why would I tell him? He's not saying that pearl jobs are hard to do. Understand, the pearl itself, from the pictures, is nice. It's a nice job. It's the underlying base colour that's too bright. Understand now? It's not a matter of difficulty. They look stunning, but pearl jobs are quite simple. The underlying base is wrong. That's not a problem with the factory, or to do with it being a complex paintjob, HT just didn't do their colour-matching right. 10-20% more towards the gun-metal side of the spectrum on the base silver, and we'd all be giggling like schoolgirls.
I may have been a bit harsh before, I'm operating on short sleep, so I'm a little blunter than usual, but trust me when I say, this isn't wrong because it's a difficult paintjob that can't be reproduced under factory conditions, HT just ****ed it up.
Some people seem to think weight = quality. I've said it since the first DC announcement. Diecast leads to lower quality. Less precise castings. Very definitely not a fan. It's needless, and reduces quality, which is the opposite to what we should all want as collectors.