Sorry to hear that, CG. If HT isn't making new mistakes, it seems like it repeats old ones.Expect the same with the Power Loader.
Just keep changing him up! That's the beauty of these articulated figuresMan this figure poses so well. So many options, what to do!!!!!!
Epic robo/ed battle pics!
Best Photos I've seen so far. Good job.
I don't get what it is with HT and rubber, its like they cant afford any quality rubber. There are all kinds of quality
rubber out there that can be used and that will last a long time.
Didn't know the announcement was that long ago. We all know how HT likes to raise our hopes before dashing them. Cough, Catwoman, cough.
I was even seriously considering the PAK Robo before going with the HT one. I decided against it, largely due to the weird, feminine, proportions.
I may be looking forward to a RoboCain even more than a Vader or a Fett. Make it happen, HT.![]()
You are aware that the V1 Robocop has no cracks right? When V2 came out there was a review I saw on here that I took screen caps from that showed them side by side the guy posed him in a extreme pose and the rubber looked fine. I owned my V1 for a year and never had any problems either. You might regret selling it like 2 years down the line when no one gets any cracks.
Finally had a chance to take some naturally-lit photos of Robertcop this weekend. Here's set one of two:
Fantastic pics, Spanbauer. The colour really comes out nicely in a lot of them, too. Can't wait to get my set and have already ordered the BD version (decided to cut Alex Murphy, so I can redirect that meagre amount to Star Wars). IMO, it's worth it since between clean/BD Robo and ED-209, I have everything I want from the RoboCop universe. I have no desire for Jones, Clarence, Cain, etc., so really $1k over 2 - 3 years for two iconic versions of RoboCop and ED is pretty reasonable....So, who's down for the battle-damaged edition? This figure is very nice, but I'm not yet sold and spending another $300 to own effectively the same figure twice.
I was referring to ED209. And u defend HT way too much, there is no need for rubber on robo or ED in the 1st
I do you are right.(as of late I'll admit that) They aren't angels and have plenty of times where they suck too, what do you want me to say? Ok their Mars Attacks figures suck they crack, their Hellboy figure has ok rubber but his knees break. ED 209 has rubber that is as bad as a condom, Sarah Connor has rubber that cracks Dutch had a pin head and I had to take out the plug in his head to lower it, to hide the long neck. They use a horrible sculptor Kojin who can't sculpt RDJ no matter how many tries he's been given, or Harrison Ford. Hot Toys makes way to many IM but surprises us with John Matrix. Hot Toys has gone to the well to many times with Joker and Batman, but can't sculpt a Christian Bale. Their Ben Kingsly looks amazing but other figures just look like stunt men of who they are supposed to be.
But to me personally the good figures that I have owned of theirs Joe Colton, Robocop and soon BD T1 make up for their bad ones to me. Before that in 2008 I owned Robocop V1 and was happy with that like it was a real Peter Weller despite looking nothing like him. Then I had Predator 2 City Hunter V.1, BR Joker V.1 the Chinese release of BB suit Batman, Dutch, Predator Jungle Hunter, and finally my favorite figure of all time HT Godfather. All those figures to me let all their BS crap pass cause those things I listed brought joy to me every time I looked at them in a detolf.
Hot Toys is very flawed but compared to SS who I haven't bought a figure from since their Raiders of the Lost Ark figure is behind by 5 years so what other company am I going to defend? Is it biased? yes cause I have never owned the flawed ones so I can't get mad at them they have only brought me good memories, with the exception of Dutch's neck which I fixed by removing the plug. I've never had a problem with them, never even have had a broken wrist peg. Am I a minority of people that has never had a problem? Maybe but can you blame me for liking them? But they are not perfect and do **** up and you are right that shouldn't be ignored. But the only reason why I suck their balls is cause I've never have had a problem with them and that's the honest truth.
Collectorguy I don't hate you and I hope you don't think I do, thank you for calling me out, it takes a lot of balls. And if my post sounds like I'm mad I'm not its just my opinion and only that. I actually really enjoy reading your postsand hope you don't cancel you PO for John Matrix but if you do that's ok too but sometimes their rubber lasts and has no problems. Plastic can fall apart too just look at Medicom and EB's Game of Death V.3 but not all companies are perfect.
HELL NO!!! Commando/John Matrix is another childhood love of mine, I have to get him. HT better not fuq me out of that dream
figure in my collection though, or I will fly to hong kong and personally kick Howard Chan in the BALLS!!!! Till THEY BLEED!!!!
Hi ya'll. I got the Robocop figure and was wondering if anyone knows whether the right forearm (the black rubber portion underneath elbow) easily pops out or if this is a flaw on mine. It sticks on, but whenever i try and pose the arm a different position, it pops off. Is this normal or is it supposed to be glued on? If it is a flaw, would you add a little Krazy glue to glue it back or return it?
HELL NO!!! Commando/John Matrix is another childhood love of mine, I have to get him. HT better not fuq me out of that dream
figure in my collection though, or I will fly to hong kong and personally kick Howard Chan in the BALLS!!!! Till THEY BLEED!!!!
Can I go with you? I wouldn't mind throwing some punches while naming off figures they have ****ed up and figures I want made![]()
Hi ya'll. I got the Robocop figure and was wondering if anyone knows whether the right forearm (the black rubber portion underneath elbow) easily pops out or if this is a flaw on mine. It sticks on, but whenever i try and pose the arm a different position, it pops off. Is this normal or is it supposed to be glued on? If it is a flaw, would you add a little Krazy glue to glue it back or return it?
Stunning shots man - this one was my favorite. what a beauty this thing is!
great shots! Very nice
Thanks, guys! He's a tricky bugger to shoot if you don't want that bright-silver look. This is probably the shot I'm most happy with:Fantastic pics, Spanbauer. The colour really comes out nicely in a lot of them, too.
Thanks, Snake. I just really wish that's how he looked on my shelf in the eveningThat's an excellent photo, perfect lighting.
Thanks, guys! He's a tricky bugger to shoot if you don't want that bright-silver look. This is probably the shot I'm most happy with: