Hot Toys – MMS202D04 - 1/6th scale RoboCop Collectible Figure

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As much as I piss and moan about the paint, nothing would make me happier than if Bo Shrek...King of the Color Skeptics...some day soon posted pics of his newly-bought HT RoboCop. That would be pretty amazing. :lol
As much as I piss and moan about the paint, nothing would make me happier than if Bo Shrek...King of the Color Skeptics...some day soon posted pics of his newly-bought HT RoboCop. That would be pretty amazing. :lol

If you guys keep posting your frustrations that will never happen you are turning fans away I swear, I guess the new figure honeymoon is over haven't seen new pics or positive reviews since the first batch, maybe we will have a resurgence in 2 weeks.
Yankee, I'm getting the feeling you don't like Robo as much as you really wanted to!

I've said it before. This figure has left me feeling bittersweet. I do love it and I'm glad HT decided to revisit the property again after several years. It'll look great with the Murphy and BD figures. Hell, I may even buy multiples! But self-rationalization/self-delusion only go so far.

I'm not a fan of the vast majority of customs or alterations, preferring figures to remain as close to stock as possible. But if some talented person were to offer repaints at a reasonable price and they turned out excellent...I have to admit, it would be very, very tempting.
Thanks guys. At least I have to show my love to robo before I contribute to the thread... :)

Neca custom looks great!! HT looks Shiny but sweet!! It is funny though how you put "i'm getting older" and "fun to play with" together though. I'm the opposite. I want accuracy and I rarely touch my figure after I find a pose I am happy with!!
Yes I have to get some fun other than playing educational toy with my kid...:)
And yes I like static pose statue but the only one impress me was Fred's robo bust.
If you guys keep posting your frustrations that will never happen you are turning fans away I swear, I guess the new figure honeymoon is over haven't seen new pics or positive reviews since the first batch, maybe we will have a resurgence in 2 weeks.

I don't think we're that influential. And if we are, maybe that says more about the figure than it really should.
As much as I piss and moan about the paint, nothing would make me happier than if Bo Shrek...King of the Color Skeptics...some day soon posted pics of his newly-bought HT RoboCop. That would be pretty amazing. :lol

This or the BD version possibly one day my friend!

DEEP THOUGHT: Chewbacca's hair colour...:slap we all better start :pray: now!
If you guys keep posting your frustrations that will never happen you are turning fans away I swear, I guess the new figure honeymoon is over haven't seen new pics or positive reviews since the first batch, maybe we will have a resurgence in 2 weeks.
The rest of us are still waiting for our figures! I'll definitely be taking and posting pics if and when the damn thing ever arrives.
The rest of us are still waiting for our figures! I'll definitely be taking and posting pics if and when the damn thing ever arrives.

I also fall into this category. If I'm irritated by anything, it's not the paint job on the figure, it's the fact that Sideshow has a weird way of shipping. I preordered Robocop last July so I would assume I would be closer to the top of the list than the bottom. It seemed though that they shipped out what quantities they got at random. I know they are a prisoner to Hot Toys own schedule but I would think they would have some sway with them to at least have clearly defined release dates and shipping times.

Regardless, all these frustration will magically disappear when I get this toy in my hands after all these months of waiting. It'll be a Festivus miracle for sure.
For me if I am spending $300 on a action figure (which alone is hard to wrap my head around), it has to be the best of the best of the best . Anything less is just unfortunate. No matter how close it came.
If you are a company that is charging $300 for an action figure you better ensure that it is the best of the best of the best. Anything less is a crime.

I'm definitely with Bo here. Some of us can't afford to buy a figure with such a glaring paint issue. Yeah, we may be pinching pennies but it makes us more honest when it comes to buying new pieces. If hot toys had made a pink stop sign everyone would agree it should be red. Same goes for this if you ask me. Yet we can't seem to stop with the he said she said . . .

I think most agree about the paint. It's just that most have either chosen to overlook it, accept it or try to make their peace with it (me). :lol Very few have said, "Oh, hell no!"
I think most agree about the paint. It's just that most have either chosen to overlook it, accept it or try to make their peace with it (me). :lol Very few have said, "Oh, hell no!"

Well, that's true I guess. I do feel for the people who get it and can't accept it. If I had the dough I would seriously get one just to attempt a repaint. Glad to see at least one or two others who will actually take on the task. Those pics can 't come soon enough for me.
I'm definitely with Bo here. Some of us can't afford to buy a figure with such a glaring paint issue. Yeah, we may be pinching pennies but it makes us more honest when it comes to buying new pieces. If hot toys had made a pink stop sign everyone would agree it should be red. Same goes for this if you ask me. Yet we can't seem to stop with the he said she said . . .


I could watch this gif all day, I see something new with every cycle. Like the fact he has rubber hands or you can see a lens fly out towards the camera. Hot Toys should make a figure out of this guy.
nah my gif no work nor does my norbit one oh well here is the link though:

If you post a gif, make sure you attach it through URL, not your computer, and uncheck the box. It should play.

Well, that's true I guess. I do feel for the people who get it and can't accept it. If I had the dough I would seriously get one just to attempt a repaint. Glad to see at least one or two others who will actually take on the task. Those pics can 't come soon enough for me.

Sorry about that, bud. It essentially boils down to, "Can I accept this?"

I wonder if there's even an aftermarket for Robo repaints. It's probably not as profitable as all of the DX12 mods, Tony Mei capes or Kato Joker outfits.
If you post a gif, make sure you attach it through URL, not your computer, and uncheck the box. It should play.

Sorry about that, bud. It essentially boils down to, "Can I accept this?"

I wonder if there's even an aftermarket for Robo repaints. It's probably not as profitable as all of the DX12 mods, Tony Mei capes or Kato Joker outfits.

Dunno, Nolan Bat-fans are a different breed. Nothing stock seems to be acceptable to a large number of them. Everything has to be custom and thus there's a truckload of customisers and fledgling companies trying to cater to them and them alone. Robocop and Terminator won't get a look in. Some of us are obsessive about stuff but not nearly as many of us to warrant pro-customisers looking at these threads and stroking their chins with dollar signs in their heads.

Found a new review posted. The video for some reason is only 360p resolution (slightly better than VHS), he doesn't get some of the mouthplates in right and he doesn't open the holster entirely (slide the front panel forward), but thought you guys may want to see it. Too silver or not, I think the paint looks beautiful here; lots of nice purple accents and strong variations of grey make for a very convincing metallic appearance.

I'll take this over the one-shade-of-grey plastic-looking Enterbay Robocop any day:


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