Well this is surprising.
To me it seems one of the most ridiculously meaningless releases by HT ever. I just cannot imagine this selling in large enough numbers to merit all the tooling and R&D that must've gone into it, but what do I know...
I have not bought a single figure from the anthology movies
But this one will have me breaking that rule
There's way too many Clone Wars kiddies that are coming of age now. This isn't about Solo. He made it into Solo because Disney wants those Clone Wars kids.
To be honest Stan Lee in a space suit is the most ridiculous hot toys ever made
Oh they've released plenty of more ridiculous figures than this. And people had no problem with something like the Patrol Trooper that was on screen for like 5 seconds, and was nowhere near as iconic a character. This is just one more SW figure based on something that only appeared briefly on screen.
The above wins for most ridiculously meaningless HT figure.
Yeah, good point,but then you'd think they would release a Clone Wars version, no? Didn't that one have spider legs or something?
HT hasn't dared do a reality-based figure from a cartoon yet (that I know of anyway), not like Sideshow tried with Snowbunny Padme.
Disney is in control of the canon now, so they may be helping "suggest" these figures too.
This guy was in the film for 20 seconds...as a hologram. I guess they based this off the test shots for the character. I don’t know why this was released, let alone ahead of any version of Lando. There are tons of figures I would have preferred. I just don’t get it.
The above wins for most ridiculously meaningless HT figure.