There were a couple of encouraging posts

so I'll add some more pics of my repaint.
Big thanks to Rubio for giving me tips on how the figure comes apart. It made painting so much easier!
I began by disassembling most of the figure into its main components. Here are the unaltered pieces.
After that, I went a bit further and removed the torso armor from the vest. This is a more permanent mod,
as the pieces have to be glued back on. I also disassembled the helmet. It's really amazing how many pieces
go into this figure! Even the dark "lens" on the left chest plate is removable. I gave everything a nice coat
of Tamiya fine surface primer.
Since I'm a prop guy, I have a lot of nice quality Polly Scale paints, many of which were the colors used on
the original props. I mostly used those colors for my palette, along with a handful of other brands. Here are
some pics of the finished figure.
I airbrushed the base colors on, using light coats to build up the color and leave things a bit uneven. Details
were added using a couple of light shades of colored pencils. I even added the black spatter seen on the green
armor parts using a very thinned down mix of flat black.
Here's a closer look at the spatter, including some that I dotted on with a 10/0 brush.
On all the parts, I got things as close as I could to the reference photos I have of the ROTJ suit instead of
the more "impressionistic" paint job that Hot Toys went with. Here are a couple of shots of the knee and
shoulder armor. The stains and darker spots were done with colored pencils.
I even added the colored rings on the knee darts.
The gauntlets received a dark wash, then the silver damage.
Another couple of shots of the helmet. This was really challenging to paint! Everything is so small, LOL.
So that's my mod! It's a great figure to begin with and makes a really impressive part of my collection. I just
wanted things to look more like ROTJ than a stylized version. Thanks for looking.