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And yet, you wouldn't bat an eyelash if it had been Cap with the Gauntlet, and Thor, Spider-man, Iron Man and Hulk coming to run interference for him.

That's why the problem is not the scene, it's your perspective.

It would have made more sense if it was a small mix of male and female Avengers... whoever happened to be close by. Why does everyone always jump to sexist accusations the moment someone disagrees. It was an eye-rolling moment of pandering, plain and simple. And yes, it would have been just as stupid if it was just the men.

Either way, if this turns out good, I’ll probably get it.
I think the argument is that it doesn't make any sense in context of what's happening on the screen. Did captain marvel specifically call nothing but female heroes? Did no Male heroes decide to respond?

Seems like even having Hulk around in his condition would have been better back up than say, Mantis in that situation.:dunno

I dunno just seems silly to argue that it wasn't more about putting together that moment than how or why the moment was achieved.
It would have made more sense if it was a small mix of male and female Avengers... whoever happened to be close by. Why does everyone always jump to sexist accusations the moment someone disagrees. It was an eye-rolling moment of pandering, plain and simple. And yes, it would have been just as stupid if it was just the men.

Either way, if this turns out good, I’ll probably get it.

Because to SJWs and lefties in general there is only "I'm right and you're (sexist, racist, [insert whatever overused phrase]"...never any in-between gray area. :lol
Mantis was the main one I thought “ummmm what is she going to do exactly”

Surprised they didn't use that as an opportunity to rehash that unfunny joke from GOTG Vol. 2 where she gets hit by something and Drax yells "watch out!" after the fact. :slap
It would have made more sense if it was a small mix of male and female Avengers... whoever happened to be close by. Why does everyone always jump to sexist accusations the moment someone disagrees. It was an eye-rolling moment of pandering, plain and simple. And yes, it would have been just as stupid if it was just the men.

Either way, if this turns out good, I’ll probably get it.

Because we have seen countless scenes were it's "just the men" and nobody calls "pandering" or "tokenism" or "shoehorned".

But the moment they do the opposite, it's all of those things and men are furious.

And listen, I'm not seing the scene is NOT contrived. I'm just saying that fact that's contrived is not necessarily a BAD thing. They created a cool, brief shot in the movie that probably means a lot more to female fans than it does to most male fans, and that's okay. And if people assume the underlying foundation for the gripe is sexism, it's because comic book nerds are OVERWHELMINGLY regressive and sexist white males who have had a problem with this sort of thing for YEARS, so it's not a huge leap in logic XD
"I can't think of a way to refute that, so I'll just call it stupid."

I'm suppose to refute what you incorrectly assume I was thinking? You don't know me and you automatically assume I must be sexist because I thought a scene was shoehorned (not even mentioning whether it was good or bad?)?

And looking at your last post - you stated that the scene may have been contrived, which has very similar meaning to shoehorned. Which is all I stated about the scene. Yet, you resort directly to accusing me of being sexist.
Because we have seen countless scenes were it's "just the men" and nobody calls "pandering" or "tokenism" or "shoehorned".

But the moment they do the opposite, it's all of those things and men are furious.

And listen, I'm not seing the scene is NOT contrived. I'm just saying that fact that's contrived is not necessarily a BAD thing. They created a cool, brief shot in the movie that probably means a lot more to female fans than it does to most male fans, and that's okay. And if people assume the underlying foundation for the gripe is sexism, it's because comic book nerds are OVERWHELMINGLY regressive and sexist white males who have had a problem with this sort of thing for YEARS, so it's not a huge leap in logic XD

I saw the movie with three females, and they all hated that scene. If anything it sets back women development in these movies, not enhances it.

Scarlet Witch and Black Widow are better written, better earned, full circle characters. That is what I hear from woman I talk too. The scarlet witch vs Thanos battle is empoyment. Not about strength directly, but good writing, an earned battle, feeling for Scarlet Witch as she tears through Thanos.

Woman don't need to be shown scenes and written too like they are 5 years old. They deserved fleshed out and well thought of ideas. Marvel often gets that. The group female charge was not that, it was an empty calorie Mcdonald's shake.

But, this figure I will likely get. Although Pepper fighting does not make THAT much sense, she has been in the MCU in so many films, this will be the Pepper I own.

If in the next avengers the key three are Captain Marvel, Scarlet Witch, then I won't mind if they alone fight the next villain in an epic struggle. It isnt a gender thing, it is a well earned and written moment that should be sought. Cap, Thor, Iron Man are the original three.

I mean Mantis...really. Me and my wife are like she is basically a non-combatant. Get War Machine in there.
Dude, if anything, that **** just made me wanna see even more female heroes. Gimme She-Hulk, Sue Storm, a better Medusa. Kate Bishop. Rogue, Storm, the list goes on.
Interested to see if we get a full Pepper Potts alternate sculpt or a helmet up, face only like Rhodey... Not a deal breaker either way though, I really like the armor.
I already ordered the 85 so this is a must-have for me. Looking forward to the announcement and official photos.
Because to SJWs and lefties in general there is only "I'm right and you're (sexist, racist, [insert whatever overused phrase]"...never any in-between gray area. :lol

I agree that there is too much "I'm right and hence since you disagree with me you are stupid, uninformed, racist, [whatever]" occurring in our discourse in these forums and in society in general. However your comment suggests that only people on the political left are guilty of this is simply not true. The "left" AND "right" engage in this incessantly.

Also to suggest that someone is a "SJW" simply because they care about issues like sexism or racism is minimizing and overgeneralizing. It's like saying that anyone who gives a crap about the environment is a "Treehugger" or something of that nature.
Because we have seen countless scenes were it's "just the men" and nobody calls "pandering" or "tokenism" or "shoehorned".

But the moment they do the opposite, it's all of those things and men are furious.

And listen, I'm not seing the scene is NOT contrived. I'm just saying that fact that's contrived is not necessarily a BAD thing. They created a cool, brief shot in the movie that probably means a lot more to female fans than it does to most male fans, and that's okay. And if people assume the underlying foundation for the gripe is sexism, it's because comic book nerds are OVERWHELMINGLY regressive and sexist white males who have had a problem with this sort of thing for YEARS, so it's not a huge leap in logic XD

You don't seem to understand the words that you quote. The fact that the MCU has been white male dominated is the reason that scene was all of those negative words. They're just shoving them all together for a few seconds to fulfil a quota on a tick sheet.

If those female characters had been given the same treatment as iron man or cap in the previous films, it wouldn't have been out of place and called out for ridiculous pandering.

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