Awesome, thanks! I found a non-screaming HA for $60 shipped so I jumped on it. I’m excited to have this additional display option and appreciate the information and advice!
Awesome, thanks! I found a non-screaming HA for $60 shipped so I jumped on it. I’m excited to have this additional display option and appreciate the information and advice!
Is there a reason why HT made Rocket's feet so cheaply/toyish on this release? The freakin' hinge is visible for ******'s sake! Why couldn't they do their usual toe articulation without relying on the cheap hinge!?
Is there a reason why HT made Rocket's feet so cheaply/toyish on this release? The freakin' hinge is visible for ******'s sake! Why couldn't they do their usual toe articulation without relying on the cheap hinge!?
Did you run out of headsculpts to critique?![]()
Is there a reason why HT made Rocket's feet so cheaply/toyish on this release? The freakin' hinge is visible for ******'s sake! Why couldn't they do their usual toe articulation without relying on the cheap hinge!?
Maybe one day we will get a haired version that hides all the joints.
Did you run out of headsculpts to critique?![]()
The country has gone to Hell but gmoney is worried about Rocket's toes. Sounds about right.![]()
It' s such a minor thing i don't care, he's easily the best Rocket so far as he's the only one who has a full outfit, which hides the elbow and knee joints.
This made me legit L-O-L...but let's not get distracted by what's happening in the real world. Rocket's toes!!! That's the real issue. WTF went wrong there?! The fact that no one complains about that is driving me insane!
I was seriously considering purchasing this as my first Rocket, but those toes just really don't sit right with me. It's like HT was 90% done and they were like yeah f it, just give em those toy-ish toes and hold back on the regular headsculpt, even though we gave 2 last time and charge the same price. Ugh...
And gmoney has the nerve to criticize the most comic accurate look that Rocket had in his short run of 3(4) figures. Yeah those toes are unsightly but everything that?s going down in the world right now makes me not really care about things like that.
Now if you want to talk about HT?s releasing the lightning refocuser with ZERO LED?s, that?s another matter. Yeah I heard that Congress upheld the vote today but so what, where are my LED?s?????
Yeah, I briefly wondered if HT might surprise us with an upgraded refocuser to assuage our anger due to the headsculpt-gate induced delay. That lasted all of about 3 seconds. But hey, maybe a 3rd party outfit will take a crack at it.
Yeah, I think HT decided to give us the toe articulation to aid in posing even though his small feet made hiding the hinge impossible. So it was a trade-off, but IMO not a bad one as they're not that noticeable...unless, of course, you're one of those an@l types that are just looking for something to complain about.
Yeah, I briefly wondered if HT might surprise us with an upgraded refocuser to assuage our anger due to the headsculpt-gate induced delay. That lasted all of about 3 seconds. But hey, maybe a 3rd party outfit will take a crack at it.
Eh, I'm sure if HT really wanted to they could have figured it out for Rocket's lil feet and the lightning refocuser suped up with LEDs...they simply choose not to. They take the lazy path far too often now instead of going the extra mile, it's sad how far they've fallen from their prime days.
No doubt gmoney, no doubt! Remember just a few years back when opening the Mk. 46 box and seeing that extra chest piece? How much did that cost them to include it, $2.55? How much did people appreciate that, priceless!
That's true. Consumers, and people in general, like being pleasantly surprised. Getting something that wasn't previously announced is a great way to make customers even happier. However, for reasons unknown, HT has recently started doing the opposite: set expectations high and deliver subpar and point the Mk 85 headsculpt debacle!
And then people wonder why I'm so harsh on HT...well, they deserve it! lol
That's true. Consumers, and people in general, like being pleasantly surprised. Getting something that wasn't previously announced is a great way to make customers even happier. However, for reasons unknown, HT has recently started doing the opposite: set expectations high and deliver subpar and point the Mk 85 headsculpt debacle!
And then people wonder why I'm so harsh on HT...well, they deserve it! lol