Hot Toys 1/6 Batcave Command Center Diorama

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I wouldn’t rule it out completely.

It took the Returns Batman 4 years to finally come out after debuting at SDCC. I figure Keaton Batman merchandise has a good shot of getting made these next couple of years due to the Flash movie and him becoming the main DCEU Batman.

He has old relics in his current Batcave (suits, joker teeth, the Batmobile) so between the ‘89 film, Returns film and 2023 film, I figure there will be plenty of Keaton Batman stuff for them to milk.

As cool as that Gargoyle/Cathedral Base is, I still think it’s a missed opportunity for them to not have the suit/weapon armory vault to compliment the computers.

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I recall that vault wasn’t a HT tease, but rather from a seller on ebay that was selling the model files (maybe it was the pre-printed parts - I’m not exactly sure). I remember it because I considered buying it, but I thought the opening was too small.

Probably a good time for him to bring that back.

If Joker turns out as well as I’m hoping, I’d buy an InArt Keaton in a heartbeat, but I also know that they said older licenses are harder to get and that I could be waiting a long ******* time. That’s why I’m hoping we see their Pattinson soon. That will be the one putting them in DIRECT competition with HT and I think, ultimately, that’s the greatest motivating force that could push HT to further try to impress their customers. Peacemaker looks fantastic. The fact that they could do that for an already solicited and marketed product in what? Less that 6 months? They could give us an accurate suit and improved cowl for Keaton.

That’s literally all I want. I don’t give a **** about reusing the faceplates or accessories. If anything, I’d prefer they use the older faceplates because I found the Returns faces to be lacking in the likeness department, comparatively.
I've already got a DX09, so I'm pretty good with that. I've got the 1/6 batwing on order, so I'll pickup whatever 89 Keaton comes out of this just to shove it in the cockpit for display.

I don't know if you've been following the Queen 1/4 Ledger Joker thread, but they've got some issues with their top of the line artist edition statue. In particular, the ledger paint seems to be hit or miss, but when they miss, they miss big. The fact that they don't have US licensing for several of the batman properties puts buyers in the unenviable position of having to order overseas and not have the benefit of a US distributor to help resolve the quality issues. I'd like to see them do well as I have the 1/6 rooted ledger version on pre-order with them, so I'm sort of taking that gamble now. I'm also very interested in the upcoming Bale and certainly the Pattinson (which looks fantastic). I'm just not sure we can call them competition yet until they get something out the door that shows they can reliably produce quality products - but I'm hoping ;)
I recall that vault wasn’t a HT tease, but rather from a seller on ebay that was selling the model files (maybe it was the pre-printed parts - I’m not exactly sure). I remember it because I considered buying it, but I thought the opening was too small.

Probably a good time for him to bring that back.

I've already got a DX09, so I'm pretty good with that. I've got the 1/6 batwing on order, so I'll pickup whatever 89 Keaton comes out of this just to shove it in the cockpit for display.

I don't know if you've been following the Queen 1/4 Ledger Joker thread, but they've got some issues with their top of the line artist edition statue. In particular, the ledger paint seems to be hit or miss, but when they miss, they miss big. The fact that they don't have US licensing for several of the batman properties puts buyers in the unenviable position of having to order overseas and not have the benefit of a US distributor to help resolve the quality issues. I'd like to see them do well as I have the 1/6 rooted ledger version on pre-order with them, so I'm sort of taking that gamble now. I'm also very interested in the upcoming Bale and certainly the Pattinson (which looks fantastic). I'm just not sure we can call them competition yet until they get something out the door that shows they can reliably produce quality products - but I'm hoping ;)
I meant competition in the literal sense of them having two competing products of the same character on the market at the same time vying for people’s pre-orders, but I agree with you. I just need HT to feel threatened enough to keep that fire under their ass continually stoked.:lol
So what are the chances that the screens illuminate and feature swap out images?

I like it how it is right now, but it would be awesome if it had swappable monitors featuring the Joker.



The Batcave and Wayne Manor in The Flash film are exact replicas of the one depicted in 1989. Bruce Wayne has the same computers.

Probably why they chose to pursue this. Let’s hope it stays ‘89 centric with the brand and monitor screens. Suck if it got updated with Zod or something.
I'm not complaining, hell I went through like all versions of the Kenner Batcave lolol, I must have had the 1989 batman, batman returns, batman animated series, the monstrous and amazing batman forever batcave and the batman and robin one!!! Crazy how far we have gotten with this!!!

Maybe indeed DiFabio! we will see, too bad the film keeps getting pushed back or we would had gotten a taste of some Michael Keaton's Batman already!
Is Flash in the Flash movie, or just Batman? Be good if it was just Batman.

EDIT: just watched the trailer... so I get it, this is DC's version of Spider-stalgia. All the Spideys, now all the Batmen... and Super-"people".

Great to get some Keaton '89 stuff out of this movie. The movie itself looks to be as much of a goof as that Spiderman movie was though.
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Would have been better if it was just a Batman movie. Felt the same way for Affleck’s movies, “why can’t this just be a standalone Batman story”.

Makes me feel bad for Flash and Superman fans too. You can’t get a dedicated character study without having Batman in it. I wonder how many fans of Holland’s Homecoming Spider-Man felt the same way with the Avengers and Maguire/Garfield team ups.
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Is Flash in the Flash movie, or just Batman? Be good if it was just Batman.

EDIT: just watched the trailer... so I get it, this is DC's version of Spider-stalgia. All the Spideys, now all the Batmen... and Super-"people".

Great to get some Keaton '89 stuff out of this movie. The movie itself looks to be as much of a goof as that Spiderman movie was though.
Don’t forget the characters even say the thing we remember them saying as if it was as important to them as it was to the audience.

Batman probably says “let’s get nuts” at least once a week for us to see him say it twice in <6 hours of his life.