I'd also gotten this Captain Marvel poster!!!!! I think this may be my favorite, it's just to evocative of my imagination.

Great looking poster Zurdo!!!
I?m curious, what phicen bodies did you use? I was trying to use the Tbleague Gethsemoni but her hair sculpt was digging into the shoulder and popping out. Should I buy a neck adapter?
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I?m curious, what phicen bodies did you use? I was trying to use the Tbleague Gethsemoni but her hair sculpt was digging into the shoulder and popping out. Should I buy a neck adapter?
Nice Pics Zurdo. You may need to grab another pair of jeans for your kitbash, the jeans are very tight on the stock generic bodies so I'm sure it will be difficult to put onto the phicen or Jiaou dolls with wider hips and cabooses. Only suggestion is to try to wrap the legs in cling wrap first. That will at least provide a smoother surface to slide the pants on. Otherwise, you may need to do some surgery on the silicone around the hip area.
Edit: i just scrolled back and saw your amazing display! Also looks like you already got a separate pair of jeans so disregard above haha.
Yea the phicen skin tones often mismatch with hot toys because hot toys keeps changing up the tones. It's gotten lighter over the years. Phicen only comes in suntan and pale and suntan is their darkest, which will most likely still be too pale. You could try some pastels to darken it, but it takes some work.
Zurdo, you are going to use everyone of those NINE Captain Marvel's you ordered...and I'm loving every minute of it!
You bet!
Well while browsing the SW subforum I noticed someone who invested in a similar amount of Solo Mudtroopers!I'm glad I'm not the only one who goes looney for a particular figure/character!
Yes, but there were multiple Mudtroopers in the movie!
It's Ok though, I have a couple of shelfs devoted entirely to Boba Fett...
I finally got this figure (DX) today, but I'm not sure what I think about it.
I ordered this figure when it was announced and back then I was all into it, but after finally receiving it just shy of two years later, I can't seem to be excited for it. It looks nice, but the articulation kinda sucks and for some reason it doesn't feel "right". Captain Marvel isn't my favorite character. The solo movie was fine, but I didn't like her in Endgame. But I wanted to have all the heroes represented on my shelf so naturally I pre-ordered her.
But now I guess I have a case of Marvel-fatigue or something. After Endgame I felt like I was done. The need to have every hero on the shelf kinda disappeared after Endgame.
So not sure what I'm gonna do now. I boxed it back up within the hour after getting it. I might sell it, might hang on to it for a while. I'll watch the movie again this weekend. Maybe that'll help.
just opened my Mando which sat for days because I had no excitement but was completely wrong and love it.
I finally got this figure (DX) today, but I'm not sure what I think about it.
I ordered this figure when it was announced and back then I was all into it, but after finally receiving it just shy of two years later, I can't seem to be excited for it. It looks nice, but the articulation kinda sucks and for some reason it doesn't feel "right". Captain Marvel isn't my favorite character. The solo movie was fine, but I didn't like her in Endgame. But I wanted to have all the heroes represented on my shelf so naturally I pre-ordered her.
But now I guess I have a case of Marvel-fatigue or something. After Endgame I felt like I was done. The need to have every hero on the shelf kinda disappeared after Endgame.
So not sure what I'm gonna do now. I boxed it back up within the hour after getting it. I might sell it, might hang on to it for a while. I'll watch the movie again this weekend. Maybe that'll help.
Zurdo's happiness is refreshing (and feel the same about Winter Soldier - I get a series and at least there will be more CM. So sue me if I own 3 IW Buckys)
^ Great display!![]()