What are you talking about? The final 1977 script quite clearly makes reference to the plans being stolen from Scarif by the Rogue One crew "led by Jyn Erso as portrayed by Felicity Jones born October 17th, 1983." I thought it was common knowledge that Rogue One is the manifestation not only of one of the grandest "master plans" in the history of cinema but also one of the greatest examples of precognition in the history of the world, period. Imagine if Felicity's mom and dad didn't get together as Lucas planned.
Khev, you're a bold one.
I don't recall Vader being flanked by any troopers in the dining hall when Han appeared to have him dead to rights. Truth is Vader does whatever he darn well pleases in any given moment. Is he consistent in every single action? No. Especially when he's pissed. And he didn't seem too happy at Scarif. Just like his whole choking officers thing. In the span of one movie we see him kill two officers that fail him but then when Piett does the same he...spares him. "Out of character" for Vader? Nope. He was just so mad he didn't even feel like killing anyone. Nobody can predict what Vader will do in any given moment and that's part of what makes him so fearsome.
Bro, the Stormtroopers popped up behind Han and the gang, Vader was just chilling at the table! They technically did flank him (and Boba too). He wasn't in any real danger.
The real Vader wouldn't do that **** he did in RO. Vader is chill. You really think he would stealthily board that flag ship, cut out the power and wait for someone to see him before going nuts horror movie style? No. What if he got shot? 1977 Star Wars had a reality to it. This isn't prequel video game BS where Yoda can almost take flight and twirl a lightsaber or Vader forces everyone in the room like a cartoon. If everyone pointed their blasters at Vader in the OT, he'd be dead. Like any commanding officer or general, he uses Stormtroopers to sweep the area before striding along. Case in point, the Tantive IV. He boards it like a boss, surveying the damage with his hands at his waist without a care in the world. We're meant to believe that this guy just minutes earlier backed up these same crew members by himself? No.
But wait, there's more!
The events of RO can't happen for the simple fact that the Tantive IV, Princess Leia's ship, was involved in a flagship in an actual battle. RO contradicts all the discussions Vader has with Leia and his officers. In Star Wars, Vader merely has a hunch that Leia isn't on some diplomatic mercy mission as he calls it. In RO, he straight up sees that they're involved. In this case, why would that officer worry about holding her hostage and the legalities of boarding the Tantive IV? She was caught at the scene of the crime in an open space battle against the rebels! Better yet, why would Vader have to worry about the legalities of holding her and have to create a false narrative of everyone aboard being killed just so the Senate wouldn't come down on the Empire? According to RO, he personally witnessed Leia and her men at the scene of the crime, they (Vader and the Empire) can do whatever they want. It don't make sense my man and any excuse people come up with to make RO work undermines the scenes that occur in Star Wars. What's so bold about Vader's actions according to Leia if he witnessed them fleeing first hand? Nothing.
The funny thing is, if they hadn't filmed and added that totally cool, awesometacular, Vader killing rebels video game scene last minute, (4 months before release, lol) and simply left it at Vader telling that officer to "prepare a boarding party", then it would have actually matched up! They blew itttt!