No GL, Supergirl or Bizzaro. People like to overthink stuff. Get you feet back on ground. It will be Kal, nobody else.
Given Zack Snyder's tendencies, it's not far fetched to think he may have thrown a curve ball in there.
In that case it's possible Whedon buried that and went to play safe.
No GL, Supergirl or Bizzaro. People like to overthink stuff. Get you feet back on ground. It will be Kal, nobody else.
Not this JL it would be nice but has he already stated in the trailer " they have no protectors not lanterns, no krytonion " so you already know that lanterns exist but are not active in this movie and they are aware that the only surviving krytoin has been killed and they are a force to be reckoned with meaning they are aware of the strength and were it comes from .but will Hal Jordon be in JL? Will Supergirl? Hmmmmm
You know given the success of WW I think DC is in good shape because if an average movie like that can be certified as fresh and get all this praise then I think they could easily replicate that . WW is your basic run of the mill.super hero movie it's has a standard story with a typical story arch. It's not different the cap the first avenger they shy away from big discussions about gods and phyilospy and politics and still with the basic bad guy let me find him and kill him. TI'm starting to think so also, given Alfred's dialogue at the end of the SDCC trailer.
Even with Zack's track record of having the balls to do things out of the ordinary, I think that there was likely never a Bizarro plot line (though it would have indeed been cool). Despite Zack dropping out, I like to think that it's still for all intents and purposes his film and not Whedon's. If Zack wanted to do the Bizarro plot line and WB Studios didn't want it because they didn't want JL to be another controversial film, I would imagine that WB would have asked Zack not to do that. However, if that was going to potentially be the plot had Zack finished the film through, I'd like to think that it's something significant enough to where Whedon wouldn't touch it out of deference to Zack, knowing that it's still for all intents and purposes Zack's film and vision as I mentioned, and he's merely just kind of seeing the rest of the film through smoothly. Sure some reshoots here and there, but I would imagine he wouldn't touch the overall plot of the film and essentially redo it. Even if Zack told him he could do whatever he wanted to do it, I would think as respect from director to director and given the circumstances in which Zack had to step down, you would try and keep as much as what the actual director did intact.
Point is that if WB didn't want it to be a controversial film, I would think that even with Zack still on, it wouldn't be because WB would have respectfully asked him not to do that. So perhaps it was meant to be Kal all along.
And of course we'll never know now, but I like to think that BvS probably would have made a billion had they released the UE in theaters from the beginning. Could have potentially been another WB decision though, thinking they would make more money if they film was cut shorter and therefore, had more showings.
I'm going with that as well. Bruce is probably studying Kryptonian genetics and physiology and deduces that his cells will regenerate under the yellow Sun. He reports his findings to Alfred, hence his like at the end of the trailer, "They said you'd come".
Not sure how he'd find that out though. Perhaps he kept the Kryptonite spear which still has Kryptonian DNA on it from both Doomsday and maybe Superman (from when he cut him on the cheek) and analyzes it?
You know given the success of WW I think DC is in good shape because if an average movie like that can be certified as fresh and get all this praise then I think they could easily replicate that . WW is your basic run of the mill.super hero movie it's has a standard story with a typical story arch. It's not different the cap the first avenger they shy away from big discussions about gods and phyilospy and politics and still with the basic bad guy let me find him and kill him. T
It could have been grounded and did the saving private Ryan thing but it's was fine with the first a avenger look and feel. A good basic safe movie.
This is what the masses want basic story a little humor and action , unfortunately they don't want anything more and if that's the case then it's nothing that.marvrl.does not offer in it's typical movies even to the point we call it the marvel movie formula.
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It's good but I am just looking at it's rating on rotten tomatoes , which is subjective I guess people insert their personal bias in to anything for me I live MOS it's my favorite DC movie but it's average for some people I think it boils down to what their expectations are and if they clash with what is present on screen.Personally I think WW was an outstanding comic book movie. Surprised anyone would see it as average but can't please everyone all of the time.
You know given the success of WW I think DC is in good shape because if an average movie like that can be certified as fresh and get all this praise then I think they could easily replicate that . WW is your basic run of the mill.super hero movie it's has a standard story with a typical story arch. It's not different the cap the first avenger they shy away from big discussions about gods and phyilospy and politics and still with the basic bad guy let me find him and kill him. T
It could have been grounded and did the saving private Ryan thing but it's was fine with the first a avenger look and feel. A good basic safe movie.
This is what the masses want basic story a little humor and action , unfortunately they don't want anything more and if that's the case then it's nothing that.marvrl.does not offer in it's typical movies even to the point we call it the marvel movie formula.
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When Batman was asked how many heroes there where he said not enough i reckon a few more heroes will make an appearance towards the end of the film likely Green lantern, Nightwing, Martian manhunter and Supergirl.
Even though I'm like 95% it's Superman that comes back in this film, I do have to admit that it would be pretty cool if the being Alfred is talking to at the end of the trailer is indeed Supergirl. As a result of Bruce putting out some sort of call for help that she responds to to take the place of her fallen cousin and provide assistance.
Not an actual picture, just an unknown model wearing what I'm guessing is a fan made interpretation of what a DCEU/MoS themed Supergirl outfit might look similar to:
Even though she's traditionally blonde, I actually like how a brunette Supergirl would look. Would also help differentiate her from the previous film rendition and the current TV series iteration.
that suit is from the tv show
It's good the Lanterns will be alluded to in the movie but I thought it was confirmed long ago if there was a lantern in the movie it wouldn't be Hal or John Stewart. They would have been announced as being cast by now if they were going to show up.
The original rumor is that a Lantern would show up but not be the 2814 Sector Human Lantern of any kind. Many sites are speculating that Abin Sur will appear in this movie to "help" in the fight against Steppenwolf and die, therefore setting up the passing of the ring to Hal in their own film. That the "No Lanterns" line was more of a "No Lanterns here presently" line and not none in the sector.
It would be easy to see an after the credits scene that had Hal discovering Abin Sur and getting the ring that way.