Greetings - I hope I get a nice welcome to the Tumbler Club!!!
I thank god every day that I found this thread so that my quest to right the many wrongs in the world of 1/6 - anyways, I recently purchased a used Tumbler at a very reasonable price (anything minus $350 is a STEAL) off ebay.
However, the owner warned me that one of the antennas of the spoilers was broken, but all the LEDs worked just fine - I told myself wow! what a steal that is.
Anyways - I have recently contacted HT, already aware I may not be eligible for their free "repair" service - but I sent them an email that I was willing BUY the replacement parts - (Spoiler parts L1 and R1) and I was willing to PAY for all the expenses. Hopefully they will reply.
Anyways - I'll keep you guys posted and see if its possible to at least BUY replacements parts
God knows there are MANY Tumbler fans out there (with deep pockets..) that are begging for replacement parts.
Worse comes to worse, I can easily manufacture the part myself from many gundam kit runners (its just the antenna that is broken, easily sanded from a runner)
BTW - I have also recently discovered that many of the Tumblers that claimed that their LEDS were not working - Don't give up hope - its not the LED - its the wiring inside!! (which is pretty...bad) One of the LEDs started to fail but I brought back to life by simply messing around with the wires.
No need to start crying or anything, its just the wiring. I see many Tumbler owners sink in depression because of this. But anyways I OPENED my tumbler and I will keep you guys updated in another thread (also, pictures inside so you can do it yourself!! also there are MAJOR MODDING possibilities!!! PICS SOON!!! - can we say light up panels inside the cockpit!?)
Anyways - thanks for the thread - I'll get back to you guys when HT replies (I hope)
BTW - it all depends how bad you want it! there is no shame in buying a "broken": or "used" tumbler!!