Hot Toys 1/6 Tumbler/Batpod Batman

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OH wow
I guess some of the movie accuracy had to give to make it truly streetlegal and drivable ;) Why doesn't he have the licensed TDK motorcycle outfit?
Greetings - I hope I get a nice welcome to the Tumbler Club!!!:hi5:

I thank god every day that I found this thread so that my quest to right the many wrongs in the world of 1/6 - anyways, I recently purchased a used Tumbler at a very reasonable price (anything minus $350 is a STEAL) off ebay.:panic:

However, the owner warned me that one of the antennas of the spoilers was broken, but all the LEDs worked just fine - I told myself wow! what a steal that is.:nana:

Anyways - I have recently contacted HT, already aware I may not be eligible for their free "repair" service - but I sent them an email that I was willing BUY the replacement parts - (Spoiler parts L1 and R1) and I was willing to PAY for all the expenses. Hopefully they will reply.:pray:

Anyways - I'll keep you guys posted and see if its possible to at least BUY replacements parts

God knows there are MANY Tumbler fans out there (with deep pockets..) that are begging for replacement parts.:lecture

Worse comes to worse, I can easily manufacture the part myself from many gundam kit runners (its just the antenna that is broken, easily sanded from a runner)

BTW - I have also recently discovered that many of the Tumblers that claimed that their LEDS were not working - Don't give up hope - its not the LED - its the wiring inside!! (which is pretty...bad) One of the LEDs started to fail but I brought back to life by simply messing around with the wires.

No need to start crying or anything, its just the wiring. I see many Tumbler owners sink in depression because of this. But anyways I OPENED my tumbler and I will keep you guys updated in another thread (also, pictures inside so you can do it yourself!! also there are MAJOR MODDING possibilities!!! PICS SOON!!! - can we say light up panels inside the cockpit!?):yess:

Anyways - thanks for the thread - I'll get back to you guys when HT replies (I hope):pray:

BTW - it all depends how bad you want it! there is no shame in buying a "broken": or "used" tumbler!!
:impatient: - So today I was waiting for HT to reply back and sadly no email came from them - I guess I will wait a bit more

Now I realize its not the circuitry but the whole wiring is really done is very messy - I burned out a LED in one side and now I have to go hunting for another one - hopefully they can reply back and I can entice them to send me one at an additional costs (I shall try their facebook page with some luck tomorrow if no reply comes)

As promised the pictures:

In this one I have a the pic. of the tumbler opened up:

<a href="" title="Underneath the tumbler by Supreme Pontiff Ares, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="480" alt="Underneath the tumbler" /></a>[IMG]

The Tumbler is very easy to be opened which was a blessing for me - its one huge piece underneath but many screws to unscrew..

[IMG]<a href="" title="The underpart of it - reference of the bellie of the tumbler by Supreme Pontiff Ares, on Flickr"><img src="" width="640" height="480" alt="The underpart of it - reference of the bellie of the tumbler" /></a>

And here's another picture for reference for those who may want to customize it with a light up cockpit :


Also as you can see from the first picture its very easy to drill a hole to provide a true "weapons attack mode" ala BB - I will experiment this a bit further.

Also you can find this in my photolog journal at at

I will keep you guys updated. If anyone here can point me to right direction in hunting LEDs this size let me know - I will probably put more pics up for the LEDs later, I'm also still testing the circuits as well (BTW, its just the front LEDs as the ones from the back and top are working just fine!!)
Oh hey - thanks man - no problems, thank you so much for the advice - I'll let you know more later how it goes. BTW I'm located in Jersey.

Also - I have taken the LEDs from the cases - as we hope that its just bad wiring in the front (between LEDs) - otherwise we might just redo the whole wiring - and yes - Hot Toys from the looks of it has really done a poor job in the wiring.

I'll also let you know if I can lay the figure down prone on it as well - I left my tumbler open - I didn't put the bottom part on it, because I have to go hunt down the LEDs. I will also check out the website you gave me, this LEDs are VERY VERY small - the front part is just the casing as someone else (a reviewer I think) has pointed out

More Picture for reference for all of you coming soon (I feel like a guinea pig here >_>)

Thanks all of you, I no longer feel so lonely in my struggle to get my Tumbler back up and running...
Firstly welcome you The_Ninebreaker! :welcome1:
Congratulations on your purchase (really a good price).
This is an excellent initiative you want to improve the Tumbler wich in dire need of finishing (it ends up doing a bit expensive the piece of plastic... :cuckoo:).
I also asked HT to try to buy spare parts (a service to develop, gentlemen of Hot Toys, think about it!), but nothing, nada, niente, colchicum...
Total silence: the after sales service also can be improved. :thwak
Can anyone post the exact dimensions of the batmobile in inches (length, width, height)? Without the box/packaging of course. :D
Firstly welcome you The_Ninebreaker! :welcome1:
Congratulations on your purchase (really a good price).
This is an excellent initiative you want to improve the Tumbler wich in dire need of finishing (it ends up doing a bit expensive the piece of plastic... :cuckoo:).
I also asked HT to try to buy spare parts (a service to develop, gentlemen of Hot Toys, think about it!), but nothing, nada, niente, colchicum...
Total silence: the after sales service also can be improved. :thwak

wow, I knew I wasn't the only one who tried doing this - but well - I hopoe they get back to me soon, I will try spamming their Facebook page maybe put up more "incriminating" from my flickr account.

And yes - after spending $$$, it looks nice and all - but it needs to be better.

Thanks for the reply
Yes, in your face!!!

I called them using the following number: 011 + Tel: (+852) 2836 3295

and a nice young girl replied - actually they HAD received my email already as she told me (I actually told her I had to buy a $10 calling card and pray that someone picked up!!)

I don't know her name but she's awesome anyways here's the scoop!!

She said she was checking with the factory as detailed by a fellow forum member - and she is also aware that I'm willing to PAY FOR ALL expenses - she said she will email me back if something happens!!

Great news all - My advice - Call her around 11:03pm EST - which is 11:03am down there.

I have also said that there WERE MANY PEOPLE interested in this service.

Anyways - good news to all - call now, but please go easy (thank god English is not my second language) speak slow, nice and be gentle!!!

Also a quick update!!


this part can be cut and sanded - to lay the figure prone

also this photos might be helpful to anyone willing to replace the LEDs in there - as someone had said - its easy to replace since the LEDs are separate from the casing and the casing can be removed (be careful though because it is glued in there...)

Here's the pics:


burned out LEDs - hopefully I can provide guys with the true measurements and details as to where can I get them from, HT can maybe email the replacement parts and maybe I should point them out to this forum...maybe


click on the link to see more ref pics:

Will keep you updated!!

I wasn’t completely satisfied with my Tumbler display. :idea

The Tumbler and Batpod really needed to be displayed together, so this summer I have customised the table to fit them both and to make it dusts free.
I’m very pleased how it looks now. :love

For a Batfreak nerd like me :FREAK: this is a grand grail to own, and to see the prices the Tumbler been sold for these days …makes it even more pleasant. :yess:

Hope you like it:





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