...and today with a totally different economy with no light at the end yet.
When can we see the light? USA, Greece, Ireland, Portguese, Spain, Italy all going down, who's next?
Sorry out of topic
...and today with a totally different economy with no light at the end yet.
There was no point. It was a fact. There would be no photoshopping threads if it wasn't. Otherwise it would have been a hillside full of heavenly scented marigolds and daffodils.
There was no big deal until under 10 hours later when you posted. Only you were so compelled to post about it. Hence I'm taking that long between replies.
You're doing everything you hate about journalists. Just without making a living from it.
If one cannot afford this version of the tumbler.. what version should I buy? I want one for display without spending this much. Any suggestions? Doesn't have to be huge.. just the size of a 1/6 figure or bigger would be nice.
If one cannot afford this version of the tumbler.. what version should I buy? I want one for display without spending this much. Any suggestions? Doesn't have to be huge.. just the size of a 1/6 figure or bigger would be nice.
The tumbler itself does not have to be 1/6 scale.
Just the size of a 1/6 figure. 12 inches+ would be nice.
I don't want a tiny tumbler lol.![]()
If one cannot afford this version of the tumbler.. what version should I buy? I want one for display without spending this much. Any suggestions? Doesn't have to be huge.. just the size of a 1/6 figure or bigger would be nice.
Have you thought about model kits?![]()
the DC Direct "Black" tumbler is hard to find. little easier to find the camouflage version of it which usually goes for around $200...I havent seen a black one really for sale so i dont know what its going for.
The 1:18 "Elite" Hot Wheels version is very nice. you can get it anywhere from about $50-80. Its the best of the Hot Wheels versions, has a little better paint job than the regular version of 1:18 Hot Wheels Tumbler.
So I would go for the Elite Hot Wheels if you cant find the DC Direct version. Id like to get the Black DC direct version myself, but i just hardly ever see it for sale, and i wouldnt be surprised if its well over $300 by now...
and if you want to go a cheaper route in large scale, the Mattel Tumbler i think is the best for the money. you can get them on eBay for $25 MIB. Its nice and large scale toy and it looks far better than the Tyco Radio Control tumbler... there are 2 versions. there was a Batman Begins version and a little harder to find Dark Knight version. I believe the toy is exactly the same, just the box is has a different design for each film. The Dark Knight version might of been Target exclusive possibly?
I hae a DCD black tumbler I'm looking to sell to help fund a HT tumbler. It is mint and only been displayed briefly. Has COA and original packaging including shipper. If anyone is interested pls PM an offer - thanks![]()
Hey gotta do what you gotta do
Anything for the HT tumbler!!!
Wow really? I would have thought $600-700 was a fair price.. but I may be off.
I bought mine for under $200 on an ebay auction back when it was released!