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once the bank robber sculpt arrives what are you guys gonna do wth the original sculpt for this figure ?.
I haven't got a clue ?..
I was gunna make a keyring, but not sure, maybe a pencil top also. Nurse joker would be cool with it, because it will hide the face, but you can still see those eyes. any other ideas?
I think that the v1 sculpt is off enough to make a cop in disguise joker look really unsettling.
@Seditionary, that's a great idea man! Just paint it with a matching skin tone, darken the hair a bit, and you'll get the cop disguise Joker! Though the Bank Robber Joker's combed hair HS seems to have a much more screen accurate hair. And the smirk looks more like in the movie after he shot Gordon.
Just wanna share my joker.... :)
QUESTION! Has anyone attempted to put one of the HOT TOYS Joker heads on a DC Direct Joker body? I only ask because I couldn't afford the first Joker from HT, so I bought the DC Direct because it was okay. But now I purchased the HT Bank version, and was hoping I could just put the extra Joker head on the DC this just crazy? Or are the necks similar that I simply switch the heads?
once the bank robber sculpt arrives what are you guys gonna do wth the original sculpt for this figure ?.
I haven't got a clue ?..

If I can ever scrounge up enough cash to get a V1 Joker, I'm almost tempted to just keep the V1 head on the V1 Joker body. I know most feel it's an innaccurate sculpt but I happen to think there is a little Heath in there though most of you may dissagree, plus I think the sculpt itself looks pretty cool. I was also thinking the V1 head would make a niffty custom Joker based on how he looks in Brian Azzarello's novel aswell.
once the bank robber sculpt arrives what are you guys gonna do wth the original sculpt for this figure ?.
I haven't got a clue ?..
I've got both pre-ordered from the DC Direct shipment next month, and I've been wondering about this. I thought about repainting it, but I might just sell it. Frankly, I'll have little use for the damn thing either way, as bank robber will keep his mask, and the "good" sculpt is going onto Joker V.1's body.

(btw, hello, I'm a frequent as some other toy boards, but this is my first post here)
Do you guy's leave his undercoat on when you put the over coat on? I took it off and it makes him look thinner and increases the articulation of his arms.
Another good option is removing the sleeves on the suit coat. I got a second, but hacking it down to being a vest lets the overcoat sit better on the arms and shoulders.