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Without the undercoat he does have better movement of his arms, but the undercoat looks really good and screen accurate on him. Cutting off the sleeves would be the best thing to do, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to do it yet.


On the left is a shot of my joker with the full undercoat I took a while back, on the right is a shot today of Joker where the undercoat is now a vest because I removed the sleeves.

Biggest differences are:

>Less broad shoulders
>More closed overcoat
>Better poseability in arms

Pretty much every plus of removing the suit coat all together, but while keeping the screen accurrate appearance.
No way, i will never cut up the under coat and have it fray..for the $170 i paid for this..i would rather just take the coat off or buy a loose one and cut that up..if i get it dirt cheap..besides..mine with no mod to the coat looks like the "after" pic above..first pic looks like you did not pull the overcoat together all that much or you got a tighter fitting coat..mine fits better i guess.
I'm sure there are variations to the fit of the coats, hand sewn items will do that. Mine in the before image was futzed to look as nicely on his as possibly, I used tweezers to pull sleevs through, everything I could do, there was just too much material trying to fit in a very tight space.
I want to do it, but at the same time I don't want to ruin the overcoat in case I ever decide to sell this figure.

That's why I did it after buying a second. I still have a fully intact coat, incase I ever want that for some reason.
Personally i think cutting the sleeves is a bit extreme, i think with futzing he can look just fine, i mean i just futzed mine till i thought it looked right and it seems good to me:
I cut the sleeves. I will buy another but I don't know why really. I'm never going to use it.
It will be back in the box with the original head.
I guess the main reason I'm buying the coat again is in case the figure ever hits crazy prices. I wouldn't sell it , its just best to know you still have everything there.
The arm articulation to me was very important , I have Les's head on order and once it and the bank robber machine gun gets here I want to pose him with it similar to the truck flip scene when batmans going at him in the batpod.
You know ... " C'MON , HIT ME !. ".
It was easily my favorite scene.
I had trouble getting him to hold any gun with two hands without making him look too strained so I simly cut away !.
It looks great now imo.
Yours does look fine Magnuz. I'm sure it's just variations in the fit of the coat and all as well as technique for futzing what each person can or can't achieve. I tried every trick I know of with mine and I just could make it look alright without giving him a sleeveless sport coat.
I did try futzing for a while. I ever had tweeers pulling the sleevs through.
He still looked like he had should pads on though. Now after cutting he doesn't.
Compared to Magnuz's Joker he looked like a football player.
I do really think there is some big differences in the way the jackets are sewn.
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Mine doesn't look that bad with it either, but I'm more concerned about arm articulation. Right now I have him posed with just his vest and shirt, because my overcoat got a little tear in the outer layer by his left arm and I want to leave it off until I get it sewed up.
Ya, Magnuz' sleeves look as baggy with the coat sleeves as mine now without them. It's sort of the par for the course with 1/6 figures, sometimes the clothes are inconsistent from figure to figure. I've had 3 Sideshow Maul's with 3 variations on the sleeves, it just happens.

Bottom line, between futzing and removing the sleeves on the inner coat, there's no reason a person can't get their Joker to look the way they want.

Over the holiday when I have time, i'm going to remove the velcro from his vest and add snaps instead. My velcro is already losing strength just from having to reclose the vest after futzing for photos. So glad the BR uses snaps.