Hot Toys 1/6th scale The JOKER Photo thread

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What is wrong with him posting in this thread?, he posted a photo and a link to his vid..meh.

Lovely! More so seeing it fully in the first photo.

this thread name needs to be changed to v1 joker thread

What for, the thread name is fine to the respective figures name. That's why the other one has Bank Robber and the other has DX01.
Plus, with all the custom shirts, heads and the mixing and matching of parts for clown Joker figures, this is essentially more the 1/6 Ledger Joker thread now and not for any specific, as released by the manufacturer figure. For the most part, the BR and DX threads have been focused on those specific figures as they were made, the v1 Joker has essentially become bits for custom figures.
The sun was shining in today on my grenade rig setup (of which i still havn't purchased another detolf for, annoyingly) and thought i'd grab a few pics as it was bringing out the weathering nicely. Retouched a few in Imageready because i was bored :)







Is that Arctic Silver 5? I thought we would have been on 7 - 8 by now.

Did you just fit a new cpu or redoing the paste after a good year or two...
Hi, I just got my first HT Joker(DX version) and I was just curious about the eyes.....they don't move, my question is are the suppossed to? Or do I have to move them?

HOLY CRAP! how many times do you have to ask? look back where you last asked. you will find answers. or look at the figure/figure manual. common sense. jeez...:banghead
your threads were not deleted, simply merged with the pre-existing DX Joker thread. back of head. remove hair piece. move lever. happy birthday.



pics from michael crawford. and for the those who are figure challenged.
Wow, I bought this figure second hand. It didn't come with an instruction manual, all I was looking for was a little help.
Not rude comments, but thanks anyway I found it. :)

I think we were a bit confused by:

I just bought one, and it arrived today. But the eyes don't move, is there anything I have to do to move the eyes or do they move themselves?

Thanks guys :)

Glad you got it working! :peace

A word of advice: Be careful when moving the eyes as some have broken. The DX01 eyes were a little fragile and stiff so gentle movement and patience are needed. From what I've heard the DX02 works much smoother.
Is that Arctic Silver 5? I thought we would have been on 7 - 8 by now.

Did you just fit a new cpu or redoing the paste after a good year or two...

Yeah it's 5, bloody xbox 360s man :horror :sick. Fixed mine twice and although i got another 10 months-ish to a year out of it, it's died for the last time. Also fixed another that lasted for a bit and then died. Pieces of crap, but i'll buy another new one when money permits. Why? Because i'm a total idiot :rotfl :monkey1

BTW Neo, yep Josh Small Studio repaint :)
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