And besides, the signal and chamber could be for their new Diorama line. No figure was included with the Hall of Armors at all.
Looks like a DC style Joker on the very very far right.
Looks like a DC style Joker on the very very far right.
Looks like a bunch of milking to me. Enough with Iron Man already. The new Gi Joe film will flop like the first one. Promethues who?? This line up looks like a wast of time. Where is Enterbay when you need them with some fresh product?
A good catch on Banner, that was one I wasn't certain of. Otherwise, The one behind ED as you pointed out then the big ballroom dress (maroon)?
Either way, the image is full of win!!!
Is the Endo 1/6 scale ? also what is the unpainted iron man in the back?
Looks like a bunch of milking to me. Enough with Iron Man already. The new Gi Joe film will flop like the first one. Promethues who?? This line up looks like a waste of time. Where is Enterbay when you need them with some fresh product?
Looks like a bunch of milking to me. Enough with Iron Man already. The new Gi Joe film will flop like the first one. Promethues who?? This line up looks like a waste of time. Where is Enterbay when you need them with some fresh product?
So much goodness! imagine the kickass display (not to mention cost) of that new Gantry and a complete set of Hall of Armor!
Yea the new Gantry also looks to include a robot and a desk/workstation with all kinds of goodies on it.
Dx Stark? A lot of accessories and is long overdue....