Hot Toys- 300 - King Leonidas spec and pics

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And some more quick pics in better light:




love these two pics:clap:clap:clap
Why hasnt SS taken down the waitlist for this? I sure hate i missed it since 300 is my favorite movie. Wasnt into HT at the time :(
Anyone planning a body swap or build a second figure with this new body?


I'd never swap a seamless body for an open jointed body through choice. The seamless body is what makes the Leonidas figure so great in my eyes but if it did ever split then this is the body I'd buy if I couldn't buy the original body. A little of subject but has any one seen the CmToys Spartacus figure, looks pretty cool, I really want to get it to pose next to Leo.
^Congrats where did you get it from?

A seller who became a friend of mine, the one who sold me my first HT figure, had a sealed one left. I wanted the figure so badly, but i was struggling with money... so he gave me around a month to pay him ($390). I just finished paying him and shipped it to me. :yess:
I lucked out and got this for $250 shipped, should be gettting mine next week...:yess: I'm such an idiot for passing this guy up when I could've had it much less when he first came out...:slap
A little of subject but has any one seen the CmToys Spartacus figure, looks pretty cool, I really want to get it to pose next to Leo.

I hope they release it because might be good for a lot of bashes. I'm also interested in that figure, hope they use a good quality rubber tho' , don't want this figure to melt over a 3 month period or something.
^^ Yeah that's my only worry about the body, especially being a new company but he does look really cool. I hope they do produce it & hopefully for a good price :)