Sold Barnes the other day.
I'll miss that headsculpt.

Did you see this custom??
Hey Vinnie.. time to pay the cheque.FINALLY!
It took them long enough.
Well I thought that the channel the sales of the previous figures in to producing new figures as this new Joker can build of the previous release and not require a whole new sculpt and mold as the Penguin or Cat woman would that it really keeping in line with Hot Toys strategy
As I've said all along worry about this line if there's no sign of it at SDCC...
People crying because '89 Batman gets another release before Returns. Wah.
I cry because I don't want BR line to be cancelled, that's all.
I'll buy whatever 89 item from HT.
If anything I'd take this as a good sign that Hot Toys isn't done with Burton's Batman.