Schumacher = pain.Schumacher's 60th-like movies discussion in HT Batman Returns thread...
That's... just... painfull.
Schumacher did explain that the movie was designed to sell toys as per WB.
I thought Val Kilmer did a good job too. He would've also been suitable as a "darker" Batman as well..
I know I'll probably get crap for saying it but honestly Batman Forever despite being campy is a lot better than Batman Returns if you ask me. In terms of story it's way better and was really the only one of the Burton/Schumacher films to focus a lot on Bruce/Batman. Batman Returns to me has very little redeeming qualities aside from the fact that it has a lot of cool production designs and Keaton was decent as Bruce/Batman.I liked Batman Forever. It was a fun and entertaining film.
Not comparable to Burton's first two or the TDK trilogy but I enjoyed Batman Forever.
I thought Val Kilmer did a good job too. He would've also been suitable as a "darker" Batman as well.
Did anyone see "The Shadow"? Alec Baldwin in his prime would've been an awesome Bruce Wayne/Batman.
I thought Val did a great job for the product he was given. Would loved him to had a more 'serious' / darker film like Keaton.
he came out of his booth to take pictures with two young Jedi boys... seemed like a really nice guy
I know I'll probably get crap for saying it but honestly Batman Forever despite being campy is a lot better than Batman Returns if you ask me. In terms of story it's way better and was really the only one of the Burton/Schumacher films to focus a lot on Bruce/Batman. Batman Returns to me has very little redeeming qualities aside from the fact that it has a lot of cool production designs and Keaton was decent as Bruce/Batman.
I think you need to go back and re-watch Forever again. It is total camp from, "I"ll get drive-thru" to the sillouetted dynamic duo running towards the camera in slo-mo at the end. After watching the Nolan films it is unwatchable.
Nicole Kidman in next to nothing in a nightie straight up using the batsignal to try to get some sex was one of the biggermoments in all of Batman moviedom. Like any random horny woman can just get up there and use the batsignal seems a bit of a security breach. Would have really really loved to seen Burton's version of this movie. Keaton back, Billy Dee as a more serious Two-Face and a black Robin, Robin Williams as the Riddler, that sounds like it has more potential to at least be something interesting in retrospect.
That moment where Kilmer flies the the Batwing through a Riddler symbol generated from lasers originating at a differant point yet still manages to break the symbol, (basically he somehow breaks light)and then turns to Gordon like 2 thousand feet away on top of a building and gives him a thumbs up going like 500 mph is the definition of cheese.
EDIT: lol Seriously? I can't call Richard Grayson by his real name?