I think the dislike was always there, but when things are really moving on a 'very high anticipation' figure...it tends to get more easily forgotten about.
As this one has dragged on for so very long now, it is easy to express an opinion on the disdain with which HT seems to hold for it's fan base, and not expect to get flamed to hell and back about it.
It's also something of a paradox, all the while that this has been brewing re '...Returns' and (let's not forget) 'Amazing Spiderman', HT has received almost universal praise for their Avengers line. Though it is a line not free of some delay and QC problems (I hate the word 'issues'...it plays down to a lesser importance something that should definitely be dealt with and corrected) the response was almost usually positive.
I myself can feel that disparity, I have all the Avengers out so far (with my remaining Hulk and IM-VII on their way from my UK supplier soon), and both superb Batman '89 figures and I want the figures from '....Returns' too.
Personally i think the dislike for Hot Toys is small overall world wide. Its the people who have issues just tend to post far more than people who are happy customers. And so many of the issues people have tend to be overly nitpicky and silly. Thats what happens on any internet community like this. They become places for people to complain. And this site is no indication of their entire customer base is because not everyone who collects Hot Toys uses this website. I know several HTs collectors never even heard of this site, and a few others I know can't stand this site because of all the complaining that's been going on for years and years.
Also so many people who complain are just the same people over & over again, and they go in every thread. The happy customers who come to this site i think just tend to post less because they are sick of the complaining, arguing, and silliness.
If you look at a thread, say the Loki HTs thread. there are 5,110 total posts. Their are several hundred people who have posted atleast once, but 20 people make up 2,300 of that threads posts. its like that on all threads. 20 people, who are complaining or liking something make up more than 1/2 of a threads posts. That is a really small amount of people. if I counted the top 40 people, it would probably make up almost all of the 5110 posts. 40 people is just such a small number of customers, who some probably didnt even buy the figure, when there are thousands of these products being made.
HTs Selina Kyle thread: over 8,611 posts. just 20 people make up for almost 3,000 of that threads posts.
and if you look at the top posters, especially on the big name threads, Batman, Superman, DC, Marvel stuff, the same people usually wind up in the top 10, 20 or 30 of the posters. So a lot of the same people are the ones posting over & over.
Plus the biggest indications that HTs is doing just fine is that most of their figures still sell out, they are making more product than they have before, and their likenesses & craft keeps getting better. Some just dont see it that way, and thats fine. But i really think most of their customers love collecting their figures.
the funny thing too is most people who do complain on here still continue to buy their products. So....