*checks thread* so... STILL no news on HT actually releasing a "Batman Returns" lineup. Typical. *disgust*
Agree, but still, some could say the same about TDKR. i.e. "Nolan had way too much control and made it with his usual aesthetics rather than an actual Batman film"
Actually, I believe after the critical acclaim and "pretty good" box office success of Batman Begins, studio execs trusted him enough to give him the budget he wanted + total creative control of the next one...and I think when you cut Nolan completely loose to do exactly what he wants and his heart is completely in it you get The Dark Knight.
While I liked TDKR, I didn't like it as much as TDK, and I think at least part of that reason was that Nolan's heart wasn't totally in it in the same way, especially after Ledger's death. Especially considering that he does not design his movies with a plan to "save" anything for a sequel, just tells his current story the best he can, and then, if and when he knows he is doing a sequel, works on that one. I just don't think he was ever as hyped up to do TDKR as he was with BB/TDK. He had a job to do, so he pumped out one more movie.
Nolan should have told TDKR in reverse. Then instead of it ending with Bruce being a quitter we would have seen him, oh wait, still not being Batman. Nevermind.
Ah. Like the good old Jaws one.
If you watch the movie `Jaws' backwards, it's a movie about a shark that keeps throwing up people until they have to open a beach.
If you watch Batman Begins backwards, it's about a lunatic who prances around in a bat suit till he's cured by being trapped in a well with hundreds of bats.
Yeah, for the most part it is.
I'm periodically curious though, because you have guys like Sallah posting great pics of his cool non Nolan stuff.
Totally missed this before... Thanks man!
Its sad that the 66' batman is coming out before BR![]()
It hurts knowing that when HT finally (if ever) release the specs and pics of Returns Keaton, we then have a bout a year of waiting until it is released.
The Burtonites aren't as fussy as the Nolanites I don't think. Or Hot Toys genuinely managed to nail in single attempt the Keaton Batman and Nicholson Jokers they've made so far and yet keep coming up short with Bale and Ledger time after time.