The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
A surprise would be a Rambo or Beetlejuice figure...wishful thinking I guess. 

I don't know why they didn't just make the first release Battle Damaged. The only, truly visible parts that were BD were the cowl, which was scraped up a bit, and the burnt Bat. All they needed to do was include an extra cowl, and, if they're feeling generous, cape, and bing. Bang. Boom: battle damaged.
Don't think it's photoshopped at all. The original catalog were for the announcements they made at the time. Think this new one will contain all the new announcements we'll see soon, including GoTG which we know will be present at their upcoming conventions.I don't think that catalog is legit anyway. Someone photoshopped it I think. Plasticenemies is trollin'.
This is the actual 2014-2015 catalog.
Don't think it's photoshopped at all. The original catalog were for the announcements they made at the time. Think this new one will contain all the new announcements we'll see soon, including GoTG which we know will be present at their upcoming conventions.
Seems like this new one is just an updated version PlasticE is teasing since they reveal it themselves yet they know what's coming.
I think the dream is dead. They probably canceled this line along with First Class, Arkham City and Prometheus.
Well, at least we still have BTTF.
I mean it's not like the 1989 Batman figures have been slow sellers, right?
Mime Joker.
Mime Joker.
I had the weirdest dream last night. We saw the catalogue, and it was official, but there was no Returns Batman, Arkham Batman, or 89 Batman. There was a stand-alone Bale DX from TDK, but here's the weird part: there was also a Black & White Lewis Wilson Batman.