Hot Toys Announce Batman Returns License

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Lewis Wilson Batman would be amazing, especially in Black and White. I'm never going to be 100% satisfied with my Hot Toys collection until we get every Batman from the serials to the present. (Translation: I'm never going to be 100% satisfied with my Hot Toys collection.)

I can't speak for the real world, but, in my dream, it looked great; maybe even better than the actual Wilson Batman.:lol
Not everyone's cup of tea though and I imagine casual fans would have had a hard time justifying paying for him especially with his lack of screen time and the uproar because he was a bare bones DX release.

But no matter the reasons you are right he didn't really set the world alight in the 1/6 community.

Which is odd because people will buy every Heath Joker. While I can understand some wanting to skip Mime Joker, I think he's a gorgeous figure. Defiantly very striking on a shelf mixed with my other joker figures.
Mob and/or Museum would have been better. I mean, Mime is cool and I do like the figure, but it's boring as ****.

If DX 14 is the last time they visit Nicholson Joker, that sucks. That would mean they passed up on the perfect opportunity to have a flesh make-up Joker look for a figure.



I guarantee that would have been a better seller than Mime.

I like the Mime and think it's an extremely creepy and effective look, but I agree that the Mob look would have been great too--it has its own kind of creepiness. Maybe HT thought the Mob look had him wearing an outfit too similar to the regular one (or indeed exactly the same?) It would have been cool if the flesh-colored mob head and hands were added to the regular set as extras.
I still think we're going to see a few more Jokers, at least, before they call it quits with the 89 line. Nicholson's likeness is no small deal, and it probably wasn't exactly cheap to get everybody to sign off on these, so, yeah, I think we'll see, at least, some milking. I think they're probably just spacing them out, at this point, since the DX line is moving so slowly. If ever there was a time to do it, though, it's now, with the 25th Anniversary going on, but I don't think HT give a damn about that stuff.
I still think it's be awesome if they went all out on their 1/4 scale line. Treat every release like the QS 001. I actually wouldn't mind seeing a TDK Joker, if they could mirror the releases (QS 001 Batman and QS TDK Joker, and QS 89 Batman and Joker).
I think it makes more sense to go with Mime Joker before Museum/Mob Joker. Since the costumes are similar, it makes sense to wait for the other Nicholson Joker to be a little harder to find before release another purple suited one. Kind of like breaking up the Ledger Joker releases with the original Bank Robber figure. The Mime was a great figure, but obviously a more iconic look will sell better. And who doesn't love purple?
I think we'll see several 89 joker figures. The Museum Joker would be the logical choice, but there is also the commercial/ Smilex Joker, which can come with a chair and diorama.

Another option would be the green shirt version and it would be nice to get a Joker with non hat hair unlike the previous figures.

Here are all the variations they can make.

And last but not least, inaccurate Thanksgiving day parade Joker!! :lol

I'm really tired of waiting... like sallah, if this line isn't shown this year, I'm out...