If I hate a movie I'm not going to buy a figure from it no matter how cool it looks.
I think all pre-Nolan Batman movies after Returns sucks but I'm not at the point where I hate Returns. I'm just really, really, really disappointed in it when compared to 89 Batman and have a bunch of cringe worthy moments when it comes to DeVito's scenes.
Can't beat BTAS. Nothing can.
I don't care if you care that I don't like it. I don't like you Coco and I wouldn't buy any Hot Toys figures of you.
Oh and you're ugly and your mom dress you funny.
Batman Returns > Batman 1989, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, The Dark Knight Rises.
i never understood the hype with BTAS. i mean, it was a good cartoon show, well written, better then most other comic book cartoons, but i still take the movies over it. im not what you would call a "comic book fan". more of a movie fan.
Adam West show.
I tried rewatching Returns the other day. Actually more or less had it on in the background as I did other things. I like it less and less everytime. I'll definitely be buying figures from the line because the one thing I really liked is the look of the characters.
Returns is really a perfect storm for me. Burton (much more Burtony than '89), Batman, DeVito, Feiffer. It's just awesome.
Well... Thx God I was born in 80'scmon how can any batfan not love the 60's show lol.
Weird. I still love it every time I see it.
Returns is really a perfect storm for me.
Burton (much more Burtony than '89), Batman, DeVito, Feiffer. It's just awesome.
And the fact that BR is sooooooooooooooooo F'dUP makes it even better!![]()
The Arkham games came pretty dang close though, and its the closest thing we'll get to HT figures of animated Batman.
cmon how can any batfan not love the 60's show lol.