Wolverine got a new head
Predator 2 got a new head
T800 got a new head
Many are regretting the above though, saying that the old ones were better. I don't disagree based on what we've seen so far.
Wolverine got a new head
Predator 2 got a new head
T800 got a new head
Many are regretting the above though, saying that the old ones were better. I don't disagree based on what we've seen so far.
It's pretty damn ridiculous. I think we all assumed the head at ani-com was a placeholder, and now these pics pretty much confirmed the death if this line, if they won't even bother to do a new head for Barney then it'sp retty much 100% there'll be no more figures
Thor got a new head
Cap got a two new heads
Black widow got a new head
Iron man got a new head
Batman got a new head
Joker got two new heads
Wolverine got a new head
Predator 2 got a new head
T800 got a new head
Exp fans got shafted
Hell even that stupid Chitauri thing gets TWO heads![]()
You do realize, HT is well known for last minute tweaks, right? This is up to and including the window between preorder and release. Aside from that, your tittybaby rant about this being the end of the line is ridiculous. Maybe for the ADD ********* collectors whose interests and fanaticism change with the frequency of a baby's poopy diapers, but for the majority, any and every character in this film is legendary in their own right, and the nostalgic collectors who the films and everything to do with them are aimed at, won't be going anywhere.
Ain't that the truth.
Not that I think the initial sculpts are unimproveable. I just don't think they succeeded in doing so unfortunately.
Since this is some sort of early ad from a magazine or something. It's easy to assume it's not final .
The reason i find it likely this is sculpt is because those magazine pics look like the official product pics HT will be using, hence no new sculpt unless there's a disclaimer saying they're in the process of sculpting one.
And from experience, if they aren't compelled to make a new head the chances of other characters went from 50% to 10%
The reason i find it likely this is sculpt is because those magazine pics look like the official product pics HT will be using, hence no new sculpt unless there's a disclaimer saying they're in the process of sculpting one.
And from experience, if they aren't compelled to make a new head the chances of other characters went from 50% to 10%
Damn, thought there was news![]()
WTF....As in WHAT THE ****** happened to this pre-order!!!