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The fact that you see utterly nothing wrong with statements and sentiments such as these, and attempt to justify them by attempting to bring others down a rabbit hole of wonkery by playing inane word games about what you said and meant, seriously borders on sociopathic behavior by definition. I sincerely hope you at least consider seeking help for this disturbing behavior and mentality, because trolling a toy forum for the past five years as your way to cope demonstrably isn’t cutting it.

And the fact that to you it’s for the betterment of a make believe universe, makes it even more scary.

Again. You can't show me where I wished people to die but your obvious issues won't let you walk away from your flawed argument. No matter how many times you repost the same quote it's not magically going to change to me wishing people to die. It's actually disturbing you think reposting something multiple times is going to change its meaning.
I'm pretty sure this is an Aquaman thread, not a flame war thread. It's clear that you guys aren't going to get along or agree. I'd ask that you either just ignore each other or take it to PMs. Please and kindly.
I'm pretty sure this is an Aquaman thread, not a flame war thread. It's clear that you guys aren't going to get along or agree. I'd ask that you either just ignore each other or take it to PMs. Please and kindly.

Good advice worth quoting.

Play nice, be civil or I hand out infractions like candy and maybe even drop the ban hammer. :wave
Just watching the ToysTV video from the Hong Kong convention this figure does look better than it did last week. Probably just the lighting and not being behind glass rather than any modifications.

Thankfully the arms look in a more natural position. Sadly still the JL headsculpt.

This will probably be the only version of Aquaman they show until the movies release. If it does well they might make another version later. Hopefully we don't have to wait that long to see Mera.



I think I like the first version better.

Thanks for posting the side by side pics JediJim. From a design standpoint without a classic comic nostalgic bias, the JL version is by far a superior design... howsoever, and ironically, the pics of the "classic" look got me interested in considering maybe picking up an Aquaman at all. It was a bold move for the filmmakers to include this look and I always try to get movie Superhero figures that have a classic comic element to their costumes and this, combined with the trailer, got me more curious about the movie. The only DCEU figure I ordered was Wonder Woman.... I love the designs for Superman and Batman in the DCEU, but didn't like the movie's enough to make me feel I could spend Hot Toys money to memorialize those films on my shelves. It's funny, I remember when I went to see Justice League really hoping to like the movie enough to feel good about getting the figure's- but didn't happen. So ultimately the Aquaman movie is going to have to win me over for me to want an Aquaman figure too- and depending on how it is featured in the film I may even go for this classic look. I will say it was kind of a surprise to see this look for the movie... I'm interested to see how it turns out in the film... the trailer looks promising, but we'll see.
New pics from the video someone posted. This looks way better in the video than the initial SDCC pics. It’s going to be a hard decision.




It has more of a reflective metallic brassy gold orange look which I was hoping they would do to reflect the actual shiny nature of fish scales instead of the straight up solid orange scale look.
That does look better than the initial photos.

Again. You can't show me where I wished people to die but your obvious issues won't let you walk away from your flawed argument. No matter how many times you repost the same quote it's not magically going to change to me wishing people to die. It's actually disturbing you think reposting something multiple times is going to change its meaning.

This guy geninely thinks there’s nothing disturbing about stating that people need to die first in order for discourse about a make believe universe to improve for his convenience, and genuinely thinks that it’s more disturbing that someone pointed out his disturbing, repugnant comments and wants to play word games and engage in “I know what you are but what am I” type behavior to try and hide it. Keep it at the 30,000 foot view:

Malgus doesn’t like the way Star Wars discussions currently are. Thinks that in order for them to improve so that way there will be more opinions that coincide with his, older fans need to die off.

Again, what a great guy he is. :lol

I’ll be putting you on ignore now to save IQ points. Troll on.

That figure's pretty nice though, amirite?

Just the more natural position of the arms makes a big difference. Whoever posed the figure at SDCC needs firing lol.

I hope this does get a new sculpt and they don't recycle the old one as they have done with other figures.
I've seen a picture of a statue where the top part looks antique gold instead of yellow. If it was the same on this figure I'd like it much more. So still not sure now what to do. Best to decide after the movie but the JL version might not be available anymore should I still prefer that one by then. Not getting both when they have the same head sculpt. Still leaning towards the JL version right now. But like I said, I'd prefer this figure to represent the Aquaman movie as I'm sure I'll like that much more than JL.
That figure's pretty nice though, amirite?

Just the more natural position of the arms makes a big difference. Whoever posed the figure at SDCC needs firing lol.

I hope this does get a new sculpt and they don't recycle the old one as they have done with other figures.

The position of the arms and seeing it without the harsh SDCC lighting does help quite a bit. The Michelin Man look from the arms sticking out is gone, his torso definition looks good, plus the top looks less yellow and more gold. Still doesn't eliminate the corn on the cob vibe, but I will reserve judgement until we actually see Mamoa in it in the film. If it's screen accurate we can't blame HT, but hopefully they (a) tone down the yellow even further, (b) make the scales look more like scales and less like kernels and (c) give us a new sculpt.
I keep looking at the arms and I think the scales are what gives it an illusion of being a joint. That would be a weird place for a joint anyways.