Super Freak
I have a "brown " head... No big deal doesn't detract from how awesome it is , besides it's sold out on SS website. Either you buy it or you don't
Customer service and the way companies do business will eventually make or break a company so if SSC keeps going down this path and not accepting mistakes they will eventually lead themselves out of business. I really like this figure and did not want to take the chance of missing out so I was willing to accept the brown head.
Customer service and the way companies do business will eventually make or break a company so if SSC keeps going down this path and not accepting mistakes they will eventually lead themselves out of business. I really like this figure and did not want to take the chance of missing out so I was willing to accept the brown head.
My view is a bit different. I am ok with a few lapses in CS every company has it amd they are individual specific. This is not a CS lapse ... This is a lie... Thats it period.
In fairness the figure was a one off a collaboration with some artist.... who knows where the fault lies, as companies go hot toys are pretty dependable when it comes to the final product ,as opposed to some companies i could mention.
I just noticed this was showing as Sold Out on the SS site now, and I'm incredibly happy I pulled the trigger and bought it. It's a "birthday present" I bought in advance, so I've yet to open it (aside for a brief check for damage/paint) so it'll be on display with the rest in September.
As I posted earlier, I received the red head as well, and I contacted Sideshow multiple times about it going back and forth, and in the end they just said they had no more that were different and it was the artists vision. Same copied and paste response.
Of course, I showed them multiple pictures from this forum of how it was SUPPOSED to look...there's no "purple" head; however, there's a blood draining purple/red head...If you look closely at the ones that are done right, you can see it's slightly red on the chin and slowly becoming purple to match the base. THAT was the artist's intention when they say that he wanted to show blood draining. CLEARLY (beyond clearly) these all missed a paint app in the final rundown to make them a bit more purple down from the chin, and they just ignored it.
While I'm very much irked about how they handled this situation, the figure itself is absolutely amazing. I'm hoping that once I have it set up, the brownish head doesn't pull away from it. I'm thinking not, since it just looks so amazing. So in the end, they DEFINITELY should've handled this properly, and had a complete box of heads sent out from the factory to replace all the ones that were done improperly; however, I'd have regretted it more had I not went ahead and picked this up before it sold out as it truly is fantastic.
Such a shame it's tarnished by such an easy fix that they should've taken care of a lot sooner.
My view is that its sold out cause HT maintained their high prices on sideshow and allowed them to be sold more from secondary local resellers. Thats how business works. Maintain a 3-5 pct higher price on a slow moving product and allow secondary resellers to push it out. If you see its still on sale on several websites and its more of a push strategy in my view. For the awesome product it was it should have been sold out way long ago if not for the stupid appoach by HT and SS. Anyways, enjoy the pred and it does not look too off when you actually put them together... However the hurt like always is cause of the lie and not the figure.
Very true. I'm sure you'll be able to find it in places online randomly; though now that this one says Sold Out, I can see them bumping up the price elsewhere as well. Happened to me when I was debating the Lara Croft PF. BAM, vanished from Sideshow out of nowhere, and then other sides bumped up the price. Luckily I snagged it from a Canadian site for only $10 more than the SS price.
But for sure with a different approach this would've been gone long ago. And glad to hear that it's not too bad when all set up. I mean, there's so much detail in the Predator from my brief check of it that I'm excited, and I'm sure it'll take the focus off the head. But yes, the sting will always be there.
Don worry apart for the discomforting lie and that ss expects we are fools to believe it, you wont be dissapointed. I think something like this with the defect shld be at best about 275 usd. Its still way overpriced in my view and hence many gave it a pass.
Found a seller for 350 shipped. I really love predators and have 6... not sure if I should go for this price. I also plan on getting the scar but maybe I should hold off on samurai then... Any advice?
I think $350 shipped is already a good price as in most sellers this costs that much BEFORE shipping. I also suggest that you get this first before getting Scar, since Samurai has already finally sold out on distribution level and resellers might take advantage of that. Scar's not out yet anyway, and I don't see it selling out soon after its release you might have enough time to save up for it, even get a good deal![]()