Hot Toys Avengers Captain America

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I really hope this guy has an August release since Fury & Hawkeye are June & July. It'd be remarkable if they can get a majority of these guys out before he blu-ray hits.

Fury: 190$
Hawkeye: 190$
Cap: 190$
Widow: 190$
Thor: 190$
Iron Man: 220$
Hulk: 350$

Total: 1,330$ (without shipping) :panic: You'd have to be a Marvel freak!

All ordered :yess:

Usually, we prefer HT to be as film accurate as possible. But here, if they take artistic liberties that make Cap's mask look less goofy, then I'll be all for it personally.

can't wait to see the preorder pictures but the suit has some minor inaccuracies with the movie stills i've seen, esp with the silver lines on the sides of his shoulders, seems shorter than should be but i do like how they used cloth instead of latex? or whatever material they use on the movie which makes him seem more comical, here the figure looks more awesome and they failed in that they didnt provide the hoody he clearly has in the movie!! also his gauntlets n gloves are not the same red it should have with the stripes on his costume!

ok i gt tt outta the way but it still looks awesome and i may get it if the overall figure looks as good as how tfa version was (i have that one) guess the dealbreaker is no the evans sculpt but the mask..
oh and the neck covering is too high making the neck look short but hope the final product looks wonderful so that i can sell more organs to afford him
____ these are announcing quick. I'm in for this, maybe two since my wife has a habit of stealing my Captain America stuff.
i hope the hulk is not rubber even though it will nt be as pleasing to the eye it will sure as hell last longer n with hot toys track record of rubbers... well no rubber pls!!!! n a dr banner head scuplt would be nice if they wont give us a whole figure
Let me get this out of the way early. :wave


So since this only comes with the same shield as TFA Cap, it should only be $150


Yes there isn't enough here to justify a $200 price tag. Definitley no more than $160


I'm not getting it if its a penny over $170.


I bet this will be @ $190 just like the first 2 Avengers.

FREAK #1,2 & 3

Thats rediculous. I'm not getting this for that price. Plus I think TFA Cap is WAY better.


Sorry, I just had to.
He will not be less than $190. I'm fairly certain none of the HT figures now will be. :lol

what do you think are the chances these release dates will slip if all are announced and PO before 5/4/12.

Slip? Fantastically, unless HT has had these in production (which conspiracy theorists could say that it's the reason for the other delays) they'll never get these out as fast as they are PO'ing them. I think they are just trying to get the hype built.

I guarantee you that Captain America will say Q3 but not release until Q4 and the figures announced PO'd in May and forward we won't see until 2013.
its alright man, and ur right tfa capt is still way better as i have it and it looks way awesome and hot toys prices are always high anyway so one has to choose carefully which to buy as they have way too many cool stuff to get that normal people can afford and at the same time have a gf tt will not get jealous one buys so many...
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