Hot Toys Avengers Captain America

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i hope the hulk is not rubber even though it will nt be as pleasing to the eye it will sure as hell last longer n with hot toys track record of rubbers... well no rubber pls!!!! n a dr banner head scuplt would be nice if they wont give us a whole figure

It's probably gonna be rubber... Otherwise there will just be too many articulation joints/points/spots (whatever you call them) shown... Ankles, knees, wrists, elbows, shoulders.. 10 in total... yuck..
Gotta get them all!!!!![/QU:exactly::exactly::lecture:hi5: I will be getting the whole set only way to go in my opinion. Only thing im scared of is the hulk price i think this figure will be in the price range of the iron monger cause of its size.

:hi5::clap Even if hulk is Iron Monger price, I would still get him, you can't have the team without hulk....HULK SAD :(:monkey2
YES! I must order this. The only one after Cap we're ordering is Black Widow. So it is okay with me if that one takes a while.
Nice, I hope we finally get an Evan's hs now. I hope HT's costume will look better than the actual movie costume too.
Nice, I hope we finally get an Evan's hs now. I hope HT's costume will look better than the actual movie costume too.

With a HS as an alternative to always having him in the cowl, I think the figure can't help but look good.
SDCC exclusive? Wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities...
Slip? Fantastically, unless HT has had these in production (which conspiracy theorists could say that it's the reason for the other delays) they'll never get these out as fast as they are PO'ing them. I think they are just trying to get the hype built.

I guarantee you that Captain America will say Q3 but not release until Q4 and the figures announced PO'd in May and forward we won't see until 2013.

SDCC exclusive? Wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities...

:hi5: :hi5: :hi5:
Yes! This will be the chance for me to own Cpt. America!
Lets see the differences between the previous one!
Everything but the shield and the TrueType underneath.

SDCC exclusive? Wouldn't be out of the realm of possibilities...

You mean the one with the metal helm, leather jacket, and USO girl shield? I really really doubt it. When they have done them for marvel it's been just simple repraints. Granted that we for iron man but that figure isn't a repaint or just simple variant. It's really it's own new figure but strangers thins have happened.
Let me get this out of the way early. :wave


So since this only comes with the same shield as TFA Cap, it should only be $150


Yes there isn't enough here to justify a $200 price tag. Definitley no more than $160


I'm not getting it if its a penny over $170.


I bet this will be @ $190 just like the first 2 Avengers.

FREAK #1,2 & 3

Thats rediculous. I'm not getting this for that price. Plus I think TFA Cap is WAY better.

And when it was released they all bought it and enjoyed it for 20 pages in a row with only 4 pics from each of 'em :wave
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