Mark II got the crap kicked out of it, it was turned into WarMachine afterall and Warmachine was just as beat up as VI was at the end of Iron Man 2. So really only the Mark IV came out without getting destroyed.
1. Mk.1
2. Mk.2
3. Mk.3
4. BD Mk.3
5. Silly thing Mk.3
6. Mech Test
7. Iron Monger (x)
8. Mk.4
9. Mk.5
10. Mk.6
11. Whiplash
12. WarMachine
13. Black Widow
14. AU Mk.2 (x)
15. Grey Mk.4
16. Stealth Mk.3 (x)
17. Mk.1 ver2. (x)
18. Gantry (x)
19. Gantry w Mk.4 (x)
20. Hall of Armor (x)
I consider 18 & 19 as one.... and 20 may come with 17...... So really just 18 figures so far..... and only 13 are released.
The shell of the III was heavily damaged, and the 7 has an entirely new shell. ::shrug:: If it was the IV it would just be the IV, not something new. "in world" logic would say that it's a lot easier to manufacture the external shell than all the delicate internal electronics and exoskeleton.
but if he's making a new "shell" why would he make it look like the III again...
Why was thor getting ready to kick caps ass in that trailer.
Where you been?Yeah, the VI and the 7.
Haven't they explained this already with the rumors? They were there to sort of "receive" and welcome Thor from Asgard but there is a misunderstanding where he thinks Cap is the enemy and they fight. Or something like that!