So excited for this! I can say that I was about 30 years too late to have experienced its initial run, but it is still one that's close to my heart. I remember that it was Batman:TAS before breakfast, and Batman:The Series on TV Land after dinner. Not to mention that my grandpa was a massive Batman fan, and helped to introduce me to a lot of what I know and love about the character today.
I know that this hobby is full of baby boomers, and I'd just like to say congratulations to them. This hobby is centered around nostalgia and memories, and this is one of those lines that's almost purely nostalgia. It seems like collecting, for me, anyways, is all about being able to look at an item and instantly be reminded of the time when I first saw it. This stuff may be superficial and unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but when you've got something that can instantly transport you back to your childhood, just by looking at it, that's some powerful stuff. So, again, congratulations to you guys.