thanks for sharing. Really hard to tell anything from that pic. Looking forward to hopefully better/clearer images. Would be really cool if they actually tried to improve the headsculpt. They definitely should've. Crazy how HT decides what figures get moveable eyes. Green Goblin's DaFoe get's movable eyes at first pass but Begins Batman doesn't at all, not even the 1/4 scale figure. At least most of the Batfleck figures got swappable eye plates.
EDIT: To add, we used to have to say "I hope HT makes a DX Batman Begins so we can get moveable eyes," but now we know that time and time again, moveable eyes aren't only for DX figures anymore, so there really is no excuse. I really don't even see the need for a DX line anymore anyway outside of getting soft, black foam inserts and a larger than average box for the figure.