I got mine in today.
This is coming from a person who didn’t have the toy fair version.
I think the hate is blown out of proportion. Is this thing perfect? No. No hot toy is perfect.
Is the suit shiney? Yes and no. It doesn’t look like someone wiped it with 303 wipes. But if you shine a nice bright light to it for photos. Yea it’s going to show on the suit. Would have been nice with the matte finish, but it is what it is.
The cowl. Yea, it’s really the worst part of the figure. But check this out. You can lean it forward and get they brooding looking down look everyone wants. Criminal that it didn’t come with rolling eyes. But the cowl isn’t accurate. Am I willing to spend another 300 for unreals sculpt? Unless you’re infatuated like dean knight, nah.
The body, needs to have a fat suit underneath. It doesn’t help the rubber suit. Some were wondering if it’s waist high? Futz the belt, but you can only futz so much due to the the fact that the bodies crotch is high up.
Boots are fine, accessories are fine. Damn shame that headsculpt is the dx19 headsculpt. Box set of great.
The cape, yea it’s the second worst thing about the figure, but it’s not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I can pose it draped over the shoulders and create that Batman silhouette . There are a total of 4 wires. Two on the front sides of the cape, and two on each side on the back. I’m not a fan of wired capes at all, so I will be getting a custom.
Overall, my honest opinion on this. 7-10. If you’re obsessed over Batman begins like dean knight and believe that begins is the greatest of all time, then this won’t be for you and you all can circle jerk each other off while watching him waste his time hate reviewing this figure. The hate is completely overblown due to really bad futzing and picture taking by people who have taken no time with the figure.
I’ll take pics when I think I’m done with what I can. But I think I’d be wasting my time trying to convince some of you on this. But i do understand your frustrations.