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I'm taking a shot in the dark here, but does anyone know what kind of paint would work to repaint a panel on my Hot Toys Tumbler? I dropped a drop of glue on it so I had to scrape it off, which left it with a blemish. I figure a quick spray of something will even it out again, but I wondered if anyone on here would have any advice or have done it themselves. Any help would be appreciated.
Looking around today and noticed the tumbler is running low at most retailers. Curious if you all think this is it for this or will they do a 3.0? I tended to lean towards this is it.

Did you make the cape yourself or is it a Jaxon/Unreal/OT?
This looks like the OT velvet. I have it as well and its awesome.

I have my BB like this
toyfair suit and belt, and hands.
New reissue body, boots, and gauntlets ( you dont need to put a huge shiney gloss on them)
unreal 2.0, and OT velvet cape. I have both OT capes and Unreal's cape. You cant go wrong with either.

EDIT: user has corrected this post.
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I don’t think I’ve shared this pic in this thread, but my two favorite live-action batsuits.

@i_amjam I love that custom cape you made. Much better than OT’s velvet cape. I’ve thought of getting it but for now, just rocking his original drape cape.
These two and BvS regular suit the three best live-action Batsuits.
Yup thats the one🤙 some fray check or something similar will be needed to protect the edges that you cut
Is this the right stuff?


I'm in the UK and discovered the cost of importing the fabric you shared would take me almost to the cost of just getting a cape from OT direct. Sent for some samples from local retailers instead and think this one should work okay. It's very thin, partly transparent when held to the light but very black against his suit.

Only downsides I see are the potential fraying and collecting dust easily. He will be displayed behind perspex so dust shouldn't be a big problem.

Is this the right stuff?


I'm in the UK and discovered the cost of importing the fabric you shared would take me almost to the cost of just getting a cape from OT direct. Sent for some samples from local retailers instead and think this one should work okay. It's very thin, partly transparent when held to the light but very black against his suit.

Only downsides I see are the potential fraying and collecting dust easily. He will be displayed behind perspex so dust shouldn't be a big problem.

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Ah dang that's too bad, but that fabric there looks pretty good! Micro velvet is pretty much what you're after. For the fraying I would get something like fray check to seal the edges. I haven't had any fraying/fallout after applying it to the edge. Doesn't take very much of it to work. Just apply to the underside of the fabric(non-velvet portion) and get as close to the edge as you can without spillover to the underside. Don't saturate the area either as you don't want it to leak through and ruin the velvet.
I picked up an OATY cowl...LOVE IT!

While the JAXON version is nice, this is way more accurate to how it looked in my favourite BATMAN movie.:love:

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I also have the OATY cowl! I felt it was the best and most accurate custom cowl out there and I just had to go BIG for this, being it’s also my favorite Batman film and batsuit. I would’ve felt like I was settling hard if I got the Unreal or Jaxon offerings.

Question though, how did you rework the belt to have the larger box towards the front and the cylinder in the back?
