Not me.
Once you go into the rooted hair/accessorizing/horseback territory, you've gone too far. That I consider dolly territory. All Scarecrow needs now is an Arkham Asylum dream house and that ____ is DONE.
Batman, Joker, Terminator, Aliens, Predator, you name it are traditional action figures. All going back to those original GI Joes and Captain Action
action figures.
Yeah, they have clothes but they aren't cutesy dolls with "real hair" and marble eyes.
They're plastic representations of some bad ass cult classic characters ranging from horror, sci-fi and action films. With weapons, knives and articulation that makes Ken look like a straight up _____.
If I had the chance to own these as a kid, you better believe some serious ____ would be going down. Not "futzing" hair and obsessing about "OMG, Scarecrow needs a horsey!" No, Scarecrow "gassing Batman and Batman rubbing Scarecrow's face in the CEMENT.
Sure, they wouldn't last very long but it would be a damn good time. Now I collect them, put em on a shelf, forget about them and want MOAR.
Don't even appreciate what I have.